Chat's transcription from the online launch of Sabrina Deep's World Bukkake Tour 2009
2009-02-28 06:48:53 [Jane_Co has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]2009-02-28 06:48:53 guest51_dgX74 please do let this be a tech error
2009-02-28 06:48:56 [guest51_du261 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:48:59 [guest51_deH9 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:48:59 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:49:00 [guest51_deH9 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:49:00 [guest51_dfQ88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:49:00 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 06:49:02 [guest51_dfQ88 has joined the chat from IP: - Spain]
2009-02-28 06:49:03 Jane_Co shes coming promise ;)
2009-02-28 06:49:21 [guest51_dvb22 has joined the chat from IP: - Japan]
2009-02-28 06:49:23 guest51_deN93 jane how u know this?
2009-02-28 06:49:36 [guest51_dvb22 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:49:41 [guest51_diQ6 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:49:45 [guest51_diQ6 has joined the chat from IP: - France]
2009-02-28 06:49:55 faceman1969p so will i ;-))
2009-02-28 06:50:07 [guest51_deC68 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:50:08 [guest51_deC68 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:50:14 [guest51_dwS49 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:50:19 [guest51_des51 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:50:19 [guest51_des51 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:50:19 [guest51_dt92 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:50:21 [guest51_dt92 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:50:32 guest51_dgX74 20 mins late!!
2009-02-28 06:50:33 Jane_Co Im from onecams
2009-02-28 06:50:35 [guest51_dt92 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:50:36 guest51_dhW48 Actually all this hype was just to get you riled up and there isn t even going to be a show...(Wait will bring fulfillment)
2009-02-28 06:50:38 Jane_Co and i know sabrina lol
2009-02-28 06:50:41 [guest51_dkt54 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:50:42 [guest51_dg399 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:50:42 [guest51_dkt54 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:50:42 [guest51_dwp77 has joined the chat from IP: - Spain]
2009-02-28 06:50:47 [guest51_deC73 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:50:47 [guest51_dwp77 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:50:48 [Sabrina_Deep has joined the chat from IP: - Italy]
2009-02-28 06:50:51 Jane_Co she never missses anything
2009-02-28 06:50:55 [guest51_dsp4 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:50:56 [guest51_dw972 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 06:50:59 asenna i guess such an event is not so easy to program but my hard on will wait for her forever
2009-02-28 06:51:15 Jane_Co That and she is well worth the wait
2009-02-28 06:51:23 [guest51_dxY57 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:51:25 [guest51_du261 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:51:25 [guest51_du261 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:51:27 [guest51_dxZ14 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:51:28 Jane_Co yeah hard to get everyone there and ready at the same time but she is coming trust me :)
2009-02-28 06:51:28 [guest51_dxY57 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:51:31 [guest51_dxg90 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:51:34 [guest51_dxg90 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:51:39 Jane_Co ohhh i see her in the chat peps
2009-02-28 06:51:40 [guest51_deC68 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:51:40 guest51_dex66 seen her on cohf,good shoot
2009-02-28 06:51:43 asenna the longrer the wait is the better it is
2009-02-28 06:51:46 [guest51_deC68 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:52:04 guest51_dgX74 Will it still run as planed or will it be cut short
2009-02-28 06:52:05 guest51_deE62 Here we go allright. :)
2009-02-28 06:52:06 guest51_dhH62 11yay!
2009-02-28 06:52:08 [guest51_dgh26 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:52:08 [guest51_dgh26 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 06:52:09 guest51_djJ60 10 Applause
2009-02-28 06:52:13 [guest51_dkt54 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:52:13 [guest51_dkt54 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:52:13 guest51_dgX74 JOY!
2009-02-28 06:52:14 faceman1969p yeh hey babe
2009-02-28 06:52:16 guest51_dex66 oooh yeah
2009-02-28 06:52:17 asenna here she is
2009-02-28 06:52:17 guest51_df988 woo hoo!!!
2009-02-28 06:52:17 [guest51_dhW48 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:52:21 guest51_dt92 great stuff!
2009-02-28 06:52:23 guest51_dqd40 hey baby
2009-02-28 06:52:23 [guest51_dhW48 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:52:25 guest51_djG0 oh yes
2009-02-28 06:52:28 guest51_dgX74 fucking hot
2009-02-28 06:52:28 [guest51_dyY98 has joined the chat from IP: - Unknown]
2009-02-28 06:52:34 asenna you sexy bitch
2009-02-28 06:52:34 [guest51_dj010 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:52:34 [guest51_dj010 has joined the chat from IP: - Unknown]
2009-02-28 06:52:37 guest51_dkt54 Hello there
2009-02-28 06:52:39 IGIVEITMYALL63 she looks so great
2009-02-28 06:52:39 [guest51_dxY57 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:52:39 Jane_Co damn your hair is getting so long
2009-02-28 06:52:40 guest51_deN93 no sound
2009-02-28 06:52:41 [guest51_deC73 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:52:45 guest51_dgX74 got sound
2009-02-28 06:52:45 guest51_dex66 dirty boots
2009-02-28 06:52:45 guest51_dj010 no video...
2009-02-28 06:52:46 [guest51_dkt54 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:52:46 [guest51_dkt54 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:52:47 IGIVEITMYALL63 love the straight hair
2009-02-28 06:52:47 guest51_dyY98 evening all, did i miss much :)
2009-02-28 06:52:47 guest51_deC68 well hello
2009-02-28 06:52:49 guest51_dhH62 bit laggy
2009-02-28 06:52:49 guest51_deC44 8 GAME ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-02-28 06:52:51 [guest51_dye65 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:52:55 [guest51_drJ94 has joined the chat from IP: - Finland]
2009-02-28 06:53:01 guest51_dgX74 TITS!
2009-02-28 06:53:06 faceman1969p boobies!!!
2009-02-28 06:53:07 guest51_dxZ14 love her tits!!!!
2009-02-28 06:53:08 guest51_dxZ14 wow
2009-02-28 06:53:08 [guest51_dj010 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:53:09 [guest51_dj010 has joined the chat from IP: - Unknown]
2009-02-28 06:53:18 [guest51_dj010 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:53:19 guest51_dyY98 can anyone say should there be audio?
2009-02-28 06:53:19 guest51_dgX74 You are perfect Sab
2009-02-28 06:53:20 [guest51_dj010 has joined the chat from IP: - Unknown]
2009-02-28 06:53:24 guest51_deC44 SELF SUCKING....MMMMMMM8
2009-02-28 06:53:27 guest51_dex66 nice baby,nice boobs
2009-02-28 06:53:30 guest51_dqd40 nice tits
2009-02-28 06:53:30 [guest51_drR86 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:53:31 guest51_dgX74 audio is lagging
2009-02-28 06:53:32 guest51_deX29 mmmm gorgeous!
2009-02-28 06:53:38 guest51_df988 intermittent audio here
2009-02-28 06:53:38 guest51_dj010 i m getting no video
2009-02-28 06:53:40 guest51_dhH62 vid and audio lagging
2009-02-28 06:53:42 [guest51_drR86 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 06:53:46 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:53:46 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 06:53:47 guest51_dxZ14 god those are great
2009-02-28 06:53:49 Jane_Co refresh
2009-02-28 06:53:52 guest51_dj010 have done
2009-02-28 06:53:52 [guest51_deC44 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:53:53 [guest51_des51 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:53:53 guest51_dj010 4 times
2009-02-28 06:53:53 [guest51_drR86 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:53:53 [guest51_deC44 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:53:53 IGIVEITMYALL63 in my face mmmmm
2009-02-28 06:53:53 [guest51_des51 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:53:54 [guest51_deE62 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:53:54 [guest51_dhH62 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:53:55 [guest51_drR86 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 06:53:55 [guest51_dhH62 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:53:55 [guest51_deE62 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 06:53:55 asenna enjoy her cleannes before she get damp
2009-02-28 06:53:56 [guest51_deC73 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:53:56 [guest51_deC73 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:53:58 [guest51_dwS49 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:53:58 [guest51_doH32 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:53:58 guest51_dgX74 boner time!
2009-02-28 06:53:59 [guest51_doH32 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 06:53:59 faceman1969p hey gorgeous
2009-02-28 06:53:59 [guest51_dex66 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:54:00 [guest51_dex66 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:54:01 [guest51_dzz0 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:54:02 [guest51_dew42 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:54:03 [guest51_dwS49 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:54:04 [guest51_dew42 has joined the chat from IP: - Australia]
2009-02-28 06:54:04 [guest51_d0B17 has joined the chat from IP: - Finland]
2009-02-28 06:54:06 guest51_deX29 hmmm, i ve lost sound
2009-02-28 06:54:06 guest51_dt92 intermittent audio here too but sabrina looks great!
2009-02-28 06:54:09 guest51_dzz0 hey sabrina
2009-02-28 06:54:10 guest51_dqd40 you are so fuckin hot
2009-02-28 06:54:10 [guest51_dz898 has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 06:54:12 IGIVEITMYALL63 kisses to u
2009-02-28 06:54:13 [guest51_dhW48 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:54:15 guest51_dex66 big kiss back sweety
2009-02-28 06:54:16 guest51_dgX74 Johnny Quest here
2009-02-28 06:54:19 [guest51_dt92 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:54:19 [guest51_dt92 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:54:22 [guest51_d0L41 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 06:54:24 guest51_deN93 hey sabr where r the guysss? :))))
2009-02-28 06:54:25 [guest51_dfF33 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:54:25 [guest51_dxY57 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:54:26 [guest51_dfF33 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:54:30 guest51_drR86 nice
2009-02-28 06:54:32 [guest51_d0Y0 has joined the chat from IP: - France]
2009-02-28 06:54:33 guest51_dex66 spence here,nice
2009-02-28 06:54:34 guest51_dyY98 Underwear with a logo :D
2009-02-28 06:54:41 guest51_dzz0 umm - i remember those boobs - very nice!
2009-02-28 06:54:42 [guest51_d0B17 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:54:43 guest51_dyY98 lets see what it says...
2009-02-28 06:54:44 guest51_dgX74 take it off
2009-02-28 06:54:44 guest51_df988 who needs audio...shes hott
2009-02-28 06:54:49 guest51_drR86 pussy!!!!!
2009-02-28 06:54:55 [guest51_drJ94 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:54:57 guest51_dz898 looking great
2009-02-28 06:55:01 guest51_dyY98 pusssyy!!!!!!
2009-02-28 06:55:05 guest51_dex66 rock those hips
2009-02-28 06:55:08 asenna is she shaved?
2009-02-28 06:55:11 IGIVEITMYALL63 let me take them off with my teeth
2009-02-28 06:55:11 guest51_dgX74 typing is one hand is hard
2009-02-28 06:55:14 guest51_dxZ14 of course she is
2009-02-28 06:55:17 guest51_dyY98 oh yes most clsely
2009-02-28 06:55:21 [guest51_des51 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:55:21 [guest51_des51 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:55:23 [guest51_deC44 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:55:31 [guest51_des51 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:55:31 [guest51_des51 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:55:31 [guest51_d1Y24 has joined the chat from IP: - Unknown]
2009-02-28 06:55:32 [guest51_des51 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:55:32 guest51_dex66 i want that ass
2009-02-28 06:55:32 [guest51_dq256 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:55:34 [guest51_dj010 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:55:35 [guest51_des51 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:55:35 guest51_djG0 niced
2009-02-28 06:55:37 [guest51_d1h47 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:55:38 [guest51_d1g93 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:55:39 guest51_djG0 would love to lick that
2009-02-28 06:55:39 IGIVEITMYALL63 pull your panties to the side
2009-02-28 06:55:41 [guest51_d1Y24 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:55:41 guest51_dyY98 Any of your hird help in Sab?
2009-02-28 06:55:41 [guest51_d1l86 has joined the chat from IP: - Unknown]
2009-02-28 06:55:45 [guest51_des51 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:55:45 [guest51_des51 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:55:47 [guest51_deC44 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:55:49 [guest51_d1d8 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:55:50 IGIVEITMYALL63 while i tongue you
2009-02-28 06:56:04 [guest51_des51 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:56:04 [guest51_des51 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:56:19 [guest51_d2D96 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:56:25 [guest51_deH9 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:56:32 [guest51_d2X21 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:56:33 IGIVEITMYALL63 thats the come and get me look
2009-02-28 06:56:33 [guest51_deH9 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:56:36 [guest51_d1l86 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:56:37 [guest51_d1l86 has joined the chat from IP: - Unknown]
2009-02-28 06:56:39 [guest51_d2N59 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:56:42 [guest51_des51 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:56:43 [guest51_des51 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:56:43 guest51_dgX74 thats a hot rack
2009-02-28 06:56:45 [guest51_d2Y65 has joined the chat from IP: - Australia]
2009-02-28 06:56:49 [guest51_d1l86 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:56:51 IGIVEITMYALL63 pull your nips
2009-02-28 06:56:57 [guest51_duB53 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:56:58 IGIVEITMYALL63 oh yea
2009-02-28 06:57:01 guest51_d2N59 God my cock is hard!!
2009-02-28 06:57:02 [guest51_dhH62 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:57:03 [guest51_dhH62 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:57:07 guest51_dgX74 fuck yeah!!
2009-02-28 06:57:09 guest51_dzz0 umm let s see some boobs Sabrina
2009-02-28 06:57:11 [guest51_d1d8 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:57:12 guest51_d0L41 officially hard now
2009-02-28 06:57:12 guest51_dzz0 )
2009-02-28 06:57:17 IGIVEITMYALL63 so sluty
2009-02-28 06:57:18 guest51_dhH62 11damn
2009-02-28 06:57:19 [guest51_dgp18 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:57:20 guest51_deC68 hi hun
2009-02-28 06:57:25 [guest51_dxZ14 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:57:27 guest51_deX29 LOVE YOU!
2009-02-28 06:57:27 guest51_dt92 fuck that s sexy!
2009-02-28 06:57:29 [guest51_dn446 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:57:31 [guest51_dn446 has joined the chat from IP: - Australia]
2009-02-28 06:57:35 asenna precum is oozing already
2009-02-28 06:57:36 guest51_dqd40 and covered in cum!!!!!!!
2009-02-28 06:57:36 guest51_dzz0 if any of u guys get the chance to mee her - she s very naughty ;)
2009-02-28 06:57:40 faceman1969p dirrrty girl ;-)))
2009-02-28 06:57:41 [guest51_deC68 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:57:41 [guest51_d3c47 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:57:41 [guest51_deC68 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:57:42 guest51_deE62 What an amazing show. :)
2009-02-28 06:57:42 guest51_dex66 teaser,you need some spanking
2009-02-28 06:57:42 guest51_dgX74 its like christmas!!!!
2009-02-28 06:57:48 [guest51_de30 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:57:49 [guest51_de30 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:57:53 guest51_dfp78 u have a sexy tongue ;)
2009-02-28 06:58:13 guest51_dt92 here we go...
2009-02-28 06:58:13 guest51_dex66 lucky sob
2009-02-28 06:58:13 [guest51_d3c47 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:58:16 guest51_dyY98 COOOCK
2009-02-28 06:58:19 [guest51_d3c47 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:58:23 guest51_deC44 8 Sabrina & should make this a regular thing
2009-02-28 06:58:26 [guest51_d3988 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:58:31 guest51_dhH62 11haha seriously
2009-02-28 06:58:34 guest51_dqd40 fuck her face
2009-02-28 06:58:35 guest51_deX29 there any way to make the picture bigger?
2009-02-28 06:58:43 guest51_df988 ok, here we go
2009-02-28 06:58:48 guest51_dyY98 Oh those dogs :)
2009-02-28 06:58:51 guest51_dgX74 WOO HOOOO
2009-02-28 06:58:52 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:58:53 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 06:59:02 guest51_deC44 picture bigger = put your face closer to the
2009-02-28 06:59:03 [guest51_dxY57 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 06:59:14 guest51_dhH62 lol
2009-02-28 06:59:16 guest51_dgX74 picture bigger = more lag
2009-02-28 06:59:18 guest51_dzz0 something needs to happen to that dress ;)
2009-02-28 06:59:21 [guest51_d3988 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:59:31 [guest51_d2D96 left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:59:36 [guest51_d2D96 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 06:59:39 guest51_dgX74 dress is off
2009-02-28 06:59:40 guest51_dzz0 now the bra;)
2009-02-28 06:59:41 [guest51_d5U85 has joined the chat from IP: - Finland]
2009-02-28 06:59:41 guest51_deE62 There it goes allright. :)
2009-02-28 06:59:46 [faceman1969p left the chat]
2009-02-28 06:59:51 guest51_deX88 something needs to happen to her bra^^
2009-02-28 06:59:55 [faceman1969p has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:00:02 guest51_deX29 god shes stunning
2009-02-28 07:00:03 [guest51_d5u84 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:00:12 guest51_dgX74 dude on the right read my mind
2009-02-28 07:00:14 [guest51_d5U85 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:00:18 guest51_dgU62 this is amazing
2009-02-28 07:00:25 [guest51_dxY57 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:00:28 guest51_deX88 will she keep on her panties?
2009-02-28 07:00:31 guest51_df988 i would already have blasted her
2009-02-28 07:00:33 [guest51_d5u84 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:00:34 [guest51_d6R84 has joined the chat from IP: - Finland]
2009-02-28 07:00:35 guest51_dkt54 hehe, lower res means bigger vid :P
2009-02-28 07:00:36 guest51_dzz0 probablynot
2009-02-28 07:00:37 [guest51_d5u84 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:00:46 guest51_dqd40 whew
2009-02-28 07:00:49 guest51_dzz0 panties usually come off ;)
2009-02-28 07:00:55 [guest51_d1g93 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:00:57 guest51_d2N59 wow, look at that face fucking!
2009-02-28 07:01:04 guest51_dqd40 shes a real sword swallower
2009-02-28 07:01:05 faceman1969p she s gonna get very messy:-)
2009-02-28 07:01:05 guest51_dea46 13
2009-02-28 07:01:14 guest51_dyY98 Fucked and Sucked would be goooood
2009-02-28 07:01:24 asenna throatfuck her hard and deep men
2009-02-28 07:01:27 guest51_deX29 ooh, theres more guys
2009-02-28 07:01:31 guest51_deX29 someones getting very messy!
2009-02-28 07:01:31 guest51_df988 hope they get closer to cam for cumshhots
2009-02-28 07:01:40 guest51_deE62 Now we re talking. :)
2009-02-28 07:01:50 [guest51_d7d93 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:01:54 guest51_deX88 will her hair be messed up with cum too?
2009-02-28 07:02:07 [guest51_d7r29 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:02:13 [guest51_deC68 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:02:16 guest51_dgU62 i wish she would dirty talk
2009-02-28 07:02:18 [guest51_dgh26 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:02:23 [guest51_d6R84 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:02:24 [guest51_d6R84 has joined the chat from IP: - Finland]
2009-02-28 07:02:26 [guest51_d1h47 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:02:29 [guest51_deM15 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:02:30 guest51_dzz0 talk and suck?
2009-02-28 07:02:35 [guest51_d7R45 has joined the chat from IP: - Sweden]
2009-02-28 07:02:36 guest51_dqd40 she cant talk, her mouth is full
2009-02-28 07:02:37 guest51_dgU62 in between sucking
2009-02-28 07:02:46 guest51_dqd40 good god
2009-02-28 07:02:57 guest51_dqd40 right to the nuts
2009-02-28 07:03:16 [guest51_dxY57 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:03:19 guest51_dz898 she is soo hot!
2009-02-28 07:03:27 guest51_df988 i wonder how many cocks she has there
2009-02-28 07:03:33 guest51_d3c47 someone needs to get those knickers off
2009-02-28 07:03:46 guest51_d2N59 bets on which ones puts it in her ass first?
2009-02-28 07:03:49 guest51_d7d93 someone needs to shave those
2009-02-28 07:04:07 guest51_deX29 time to lose the panties!
2009-02-28 07:04:09 guest51_dgX74 deep throat!
2009-02-28 07:04:11 guest51_deX29 can keep the socks though
2009-02-28 07:04:20 faceman1969p wow thats deep
2009-02-28 07:04:23 guest51_dex66 whoooohoo deep
2009-02-28 07:04:33 guest51_dzz0 reminds me of the girl I had last night - hee hee
2009-02-28 07:04:35 [guest51_doH32 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:04:36 [guest51_doH32 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:04:47 guest51_deX29 yes!
2009-02-28 07:04:47 guest51_deX88 yeees
2009-02-28 07:04:50 guest51_dem58 the sword is back
2009-02-28 07:04:52 guest51_deE62 Hurray. :)
2009-02-28 07:05:08 guest51_deX29 has she got boots on too?!
2009-02-28 07:05:09 guest51_dqd40 any girls watching?
2009-02-28 07:05:12 [guest51_dd890 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:05:18 [guest51_d5u84 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:05:23 guest51_dzz0 i think she s going to get fucked now as well
2009-02-28 07:05:24 guest51_dex66 nice ass she has
2009-02-28 07:05:33 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:05:33 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:05:34 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:05:34 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:05:34 guest51_dgA55 yea
2009-02-28 07:05:35 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:05:35 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:05:35 [guest51_d3988 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:05:35 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:05:36 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:05:36 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:05:36 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:05:39 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:05:41 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:05:47 [guest51_dfD4 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:05:54 [guest51_dfD4 has joined the chat from IP: - Australia]
2009-02-28 07:05:58 [guest51_eBb96 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:06:01 [guest51_eBV63 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:06:08 guest51_deX88 i cant be the only girl watching^^
2009-02-28 07:06:13 guest51_dex66 nice body too,very fit
2009-02-28 07:06:22 guest51_d2X21 no such thing as girls on the internet
2009-02-28 07:06:33 guest51_dqd40 you musat be wet as hell :)
2009-02-28 07:06:34 [guest51_deM15 has joined the chat from IP: - Ireland]
2009-02-28 07:06:38 guest51_dzz0 r u a member of FF deX88?
2009-02-28 07:06:46 guest51_dfD4 have u ever done anything like this 88?
2009-02-28 07:06:50 guest51_dex66 and are you enjoying it babe
2009-02-28 07:07:05 guest51_deX29 if im not mistaken 88 is the gorgeous katiclara?
2009-02-28 07:07:05 [guest51_eCb12 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:07:09 [guest51_eBV63 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:07:11 [guest51_eBV63 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:07:17 guest51_deX88 yes
2009-02-28 07:07:19 guest51_dfD4 fuck those titties
2009-02-28 07:07:24 guest51_deX88 i am
2009-02-28 07:07:30 [guest51_d0Y0 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:07:34 guest51_d7r29 hehe
2009-02-28 07:07:35 guest51_deH9 clara where are you? what city
2009-02-28 07:07:40 guest51_dzz0 I m Phil - was in one of the recent video exclusives
2009-02-28 07:07:42 [guest51_eC647 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:07:53 [guest51_eDQ37 has joined the chat from IP: - Denmark]
2009-02-28 07:07:54 guest51_deX88 too far away from any place Sabrina will be visiting
2009-02-28 07:08:02 guest51_dzz0 hope I ll be able to star in something with Sabrina
2009-02-28 07:08:02 guest51_d7r29 hi phil, fa here
2009-02-28 07:08:07 guest51_djJ60 On FF I m SirBro
2009-02-28 07:08:10 guest51_df988 I was in an American Bukkake a few years back
2009-02-28 07:08:18 guest51_d7d93 siguy50 here
2009-02-28 07:08:19 [guest51_doH32 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:08:21 guest51_dex66 spence here
2009-02-28 07:08:21 guest51_dzz0 male o femae df988?
2009-02-28 07:08:29 guest51_d7d93 Yo Spence
2009-02-28 07:08:29 [guest51_eBV63 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:08:32 guest51_dxY57 wysiwyg here
2009-02-28 07:08:32 [guest51_eDx34 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:08:33 [guest51_eEA88 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:08:33 guest51_dkt54 i hope to be goiung to london 09 meet :P
2009-02-28 07:08:35 guest51_dex66 yeah fuck that slut
2009-02-28 07:08:37 [paul37uk has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:08:42 guest51_df988 male
2009-02-28 07:08:46 guest51_dzz0 sabrina is looking very veery hot - wishI was there!
2009-02-28 07:08:50 [guest51_dzz0 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:08:57 [guest51_eEV43 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:09:01 guest51_deX29 love that hair!
2009-02-28 07:09:01 [guest51_eEA88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:09:01 [guest51_eEA88 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:09:03 [guest51_eEA88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:09:03 guest51_df988 came all over holly landers
2009-02-28 07:09:04 [guest51_dzz0 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:09:05 guest51_deC44 8 Valenuk1 here...and im gobsmacked
2009-02-28 07:09:07 guest51_dqd40 how many loads do yoiu think she ll end up with
2009-02-28 07:09:08 guest51_dz898 love her long hair
2009-02-28 07:09:11 guest51_dzz0 oops - logged out (Phil_h001)
2009-02-28 07:09:11 guest51_d7d93 Hey Valen
2009-02-28 07:09:15 guest51_dzz0 hi val
2009-02-28 07:09:18 asenna she was made to please men
2009-02-28 07:09:22 [guest51_d3988 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:09:25 [guest51_eE188 has joined the chat from IP: - Japan]
2009-02-28 07:09:30 guest51_dgX74 Dang gotta go
2009-02-28 07:09:32 guest51_dzz0 she sure can asenna
2009-02-28 07:09:33 [guest51_dgX74 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:09:38 guest51_deX29 that guys doing a good job, i d have blasted her by now!
2009-02-28 07:09:38 guest51_djG0 she should make the one guy suck the others cock
2009-02-28 07:09:42 guest51_dfp78 which AM bukkake were you in 88? :)
2009-02-28 07:09:43 guest51_deC44 lucky lucky lucky
2009-02-28 07:09:43 guest51_dex66 she ejoys it,love that d throat
2009-02-28 07:09:47 guest51_d2N59 DP????
2009-02-28 07:09:48 guest51_d2N59 DP
2009-02-28 07:09:49 guest51_d2N59 DP
2009-02-28 07:09:54 [HEAVYCUMMER has joined the chat from IP: - Denmark]
2009-02-28 07:10:07 [guest51_de30 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:10:09 guest51_d3c47 great angle
2009-02-28 07:10:22 guest51_d7r29 love that view
2009-02-28 07:10:23 guest51_dgU62 i hope she sucks some cock close to the camera
2009-02-28 07:10:23 [guest51_eBg49 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:10:26 guest51_drR86 too bad im not there
2009-02-28 07:10:30 guest51_deX29 lucky fucking bastards!
2009-02-28 07:10:37 guest51_df988 #12..holly landers was the girl
2009-02-28 07:10:45 [guest51_eBg49 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:10:47 [guest51_eEA88 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:10:49 [guest51_dgh26 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:10:50 guest51_dfp78 kool
2009-02-28 07:10:54 [guest51_eC555 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:10:55 [guest51_eGC1 has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 07:10:56 guest51_eEA88 only 2 guys?
2009-02-28 07:10:57 [guest51_eBg49 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:11:02 [guest51_dgh26 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:11:03 guest51_dhH62 theres a lotr
2009-02-28 07:11:04 guest51_dqd40 there is more around
2009-02-28 07:11:04 guest51_deX29 theres at least 4
2009-02-28 07:11:07 asenna i love bald pussies in action
2009-02-28 07:11:08 [guest51_eBg49 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:11:09 guest51_dex66 ride that cock bad girl
2009-02-28 07:11:12 guest51_df988 it was so cool..75 guys and 1 girl
2009-02-28 07:11:13 faceman1969p hope she squirts;-)
2009-02-28 07:11:24 [guest51_eBE11 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:11:25 guest51_eEA88 cum on her face already
2009-02-28 07:11:39 [guest51_eGC1 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:11:40 guest51_djG0 anyone going to amsterdam?
2009-02-28 07:11:42 guest51_dzz0 i use to do the UK Amateur Facials films, British BUkkake babes and others
2009-02-28 07:11:48 guest51_deN93 75?
2009-02-28 07:11:49 guest51_dzz0 good times
2009-02-28 07:11:50 [guest51_dxY57 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:11:50 guest51_deC44 I wonder if that back cocks gonna pop into her ass
2009-02-28 07:12:10 guest51_dqd40 I want to see every load on her face
2009-02-28 07:12:12 guest51_deC44 8Done UKAF & AFUK too
2009-02-28 07:12:31 guest51_deX29 go on, DP!
2009-02-28 07:12:42 guest51_dyY98 DP DP DP
2009-02-28 07:12:43 guest51_df988 AB actually pay $50/guy
2009-02-28 07:12:55 guest51_dzz0 most events require a contribution
2009-02-28 07:13:02 guest51_deX29 they paid you to cum on a beautiful woman?!
2009-02-28 07:13:20 guest51_dfQ88 Most of the AB guzs look like homeless
2009-02-28 07:13:23 asenna i hope they all cum in her beautiful hair
2009-02-28 07:13:28 guest51_df988 yep...i was shocked..went prepared to pay and got cash instead
2009-02-28 07:13:48 [guest51_d7d93 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:13:49 [guest51_deE62 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:13:59 guest51_dex66 watch her cum
2009-02-28 07:14:00 [guest51_df988 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:14:10 guest51_dyY98 She squirts lots
2009-02-28 07:14:18 [guest51_dzz0 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:14:22 guest51_d3c47 cant wait for it
2009-02-28 07:14:27 guest51_dqd40 I love when a girl cums with a cock in her mouth
2009-02-28 07:14:29 guest51_dex66 she going to amy sec now i think
2009-02-28 07:14:31 [guest51_df988 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:14:31 guest51_eEA88 can they read this?
2009-02-28 07:14:31 [guest51_drR86 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:14:33 [guest51_d7r29 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:14:46 guest51_dqd40 don t theink they are reading :)
2009-02-28 07:14:56 [guest51_eJn36 has joined the chat from IP: - Israel]
2009-02-28 07:14:59 guest51_deX29 would you be reading if you were there?!
2009-02-28 07:15:00 [guest51_dfD4 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:15:06 [guest51_eBE11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:15:06 [guest51_eBE11 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:15:07 faceman1969p too busy i think!
2009-02-28 07:15:09 guest51_dex66 fuck no,lol
2009-02-28 07:15:11 [guest51_eC555 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:15:11 [guest51_dfD4 has joined the chat from IP: - Australia]
2009-02-28 07:15:19 guest51_dyY98 should have a Director
2009-02-28 07:15:23 [guest51_do053 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:15:24 guest51_dyY98 lol
2009-02-28 07:15:29 guest51_d2D96 There wouldn t be enough blood left in my brain.
2009-02-28 07:15:32 guest51_djG0 yes that would be awsom a director
2009-02-28 07:15:34 guest51_eEA88 must be someone there who can pass on our suggestions
2009-02-28 07:15:39 [guest51_eDQ37 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:15:40 guest51_df988 i would have cum on her twice by now
2009-02-28 07:16:01 [guest51_d0L41 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:16:02 [guest51_d1d8 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:16:06 [guest51_dkt54 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:16:07 [guest51_deC73 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:16:10 [guest51_deC73 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:16:13 [guest51_dfF33 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:16:15 [guest51_dfF33 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:16:19 [guest51_d1d8 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:16:20 [guest51_dfF33 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:16:21 [guest51_eLf3 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:16:32 guest51_dem58 its too laggy im out
2009-02-28 07:16:34 [guest51_djJ60 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:16:48 [guest51_diQ60 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:16:50 [guest51_eL050 has joined the chat from IP: - Unknown]
2009-02-28 07:16:52 [guest51_dgA55 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:16:53 [guest51_dwS49 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:17:01 [guest51_deH9 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:17:10 [guest51_dgk61 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:17:13 guest51_dex66 shes a fuck machine
2009-02-28 07:17:14 guest51_djG0 laggy or not this is awsome
2009-02-28 07:17:25 guest51_dfQ88 Hmm, couldn they get a better webcam?
2009-02-28 07:17:26 [guest51_dhd83 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:17:28 [guest51_eMd96 has joined the chat from IP: - Italy]
2009-02-28 07:17:38 guest51_eMd96 ok i m in
2009-02-28 07:17:42 [guest51_eMt97 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:17:42 [guest51_dhd83 has joined the chat from IP: - Seychelles]
2009-02-28 07:17:46 [guest51_dew42 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:17:47 [guest51_dzz0 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:17:48 guest51_eMt97 wow
2009-02-28 07:17:51 [guest51_dzz0 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:17:59 guest51_d3c47 i wish she would face us and touch herself while she is sucking
2009-02-28 07:18:08 guest51_dz898 love this, but would be nice if they had a webcam that could zoom
2009-02-28 07:18:13 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:18:18 guest51_dqd40 theyre gonna cum on her soon
2009-02-28 07:18:24 guest51_eMd96 yep zoom!
2009-02-28 07:18:25 [guest51_doJ17 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:18:27 guest51_eE188 guys do u think there will be close shoot while cumming from here uts hard to see facials
2009-02-28 07:18:29 guest51_df988 hope she gets close to cam for cumshots
2009-02-28 07:18:46 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:18:47 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:18:48 guest51_deX29 if we all say closer to the cam maybe one of them wil see it!
2009-02-28 07:18:51 [guest51_dex66 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:18:51 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:18:52 guest51_deX29 in bright red letters!
2009-02-28 07:18:52 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:18:55 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:18:57 [guest51_dzz0 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:18:59 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:18:59 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:18:59 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:19:01 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:19:01 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:19:05 guest51_dfQ88 anal?
2009-02-28 07:19:09 guest51_eE188 like his condom?*)
2009-02-28 07:19:16 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:19:17 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:19:18 [guest51_dzz0 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:19:21 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:19:22 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:19:23 guest51_eMd96 no
2009-02-28 07:19:25 guest51_deQ11 it makes his cock look bloddy
2009-02-28 07:19:25 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:19:26 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:19:27 guest51_deX29 haha, i did think that was one incredibly red cock for a second!
2009-02-28 07:19:28 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:19:30 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:19:33 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:19:34 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:19:36 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:19:37 [guest51_deC44 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:19:37 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:19:39 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:19:39 guest51_dfQ88 yes, anal
2009-02-28 07:19:40 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:19:57 [guest51_eJn36 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:19:57 guest51_deQ11 and now it looks like she just had her period all over his cock
2009-02-28 07:20:01 guest51_eMd96 shure?
2009-02-28 07:20:09 [guest51_dfD4 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:20:10 guest51_dfQ88 absolutely sure
2009-02-28 07:20:11 [guest51_dfD4 has joined the chat from IP: - Australia]
2009-02-28 07:20:15 guest51_eMd96 wo
2009-02-28 07:20:21 guest51_dem58 ouch ouch
2009-02-28 07:20:24 guest51_djG0 she doesnt need lube for her ass?
2009-02-28 07:20:27 guest51_deX29 haha, she s loving it!
2009-02-28 07:20:36 guest51_dfQ88 the guy lubed the condom
2009-02-28 07:20:38 guest51_d3c47 pure pleasure
2009-02-28 07:20:39 [guest51_ePq95 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:20:46 [guest51_ePs54 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:20:50 guest51_d2Y65 great guys
2009-02-28 07:21:05 guest51_eMd96 she s beautifull piggy
2009-02-28 07:21:05 [guest51_eQC7 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:21:07 guest51_dhH62 haha im actually eating and watching this
2009-02-28 07:21:09 guest51_d2Y65 dp or double anal please
2009-02-28 07:21:12 guest51_dhH62 i just woke up too
2009-02-28 07:21:19 [guest51_ePq95 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:21:21 guest51_eMd96 bingooo
2009-02-28 07:21:23 [guest51_eQc29 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:21:24 asenna what a fuck hole this bitch is
2009-02-28 07:21:25 [guest51_eQc29 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:21:29 guest51_dfQ88 she s getting in a perfect position for the cam as a professional
2009-02-28 07:21:30 [guest51_eBE11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:21:33 [guest51_eBE11 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:21:37 [guest51_ePs54 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:21:39 [guest51_ePs54 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:21:51 [guest51_eQ268 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:21:52 [guest51_eQc29 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:21:54 guest51_eMd96 yep, is anal definitly
2009-02-28 07:22:18 guest51_dt92 love the sounds she s making!
2009-02-28 07:22:21 guest51_df988 sehs a squeeler too
2009-02-28 07:22:25 [guest51_d2N59 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:22:27 [guest51_eRQ48 has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 07:22:28 [guest51_ePs54 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:22:34 guest51_eMd96 em, onli vs 3 guys? hi hi hi
2009-02-28 07:22:49 guest51_djG0 maybe there are 47 around it and wanking
2009-02-28 07:22:55 guest51_eMd96 :D
2009-02-28 07:23:00 guest51_eE188 guys maybe during cumshots they will stop fucking she will come close to the cam kneel and receive the facials.what do u think?
2009-02-28 07:23:01 guest51_eEA88 i hope she puts her face right up to the cam
2009-02-28 07:23:05 [guest51_eRQ48 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:23:08 [guest51_eRQ48 has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 07:23:12 guest51_df988 hope so
2009-02-28 07:23:18 guest51_eMd96 i hope so
2009-02-28 07:23:19 guest51_eBb96 yeah
2009-02-28 07:23:23 guest51_deX29 guys arse in the way of the beautiful woman!
2009-02-28 07:23:23 guest51_eMd96 right now
2009-02-28 07:23:25 [guest51_eSX48 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:23:34 guest51_df988 ill cum all over her then too
2009-02-28 07:23:39 guest51_deX29 dont see that everyday!
2009-02-28 07:23:40 [guest51_eQc29 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:23:49 guest51_eL050 yeah...her face right up to yhe cam...
2009-02-28 07:23:54 guest51_eE188 finally dp
2009-02-28 07:23:58 guest51_eMd96 what language is? they are in europe?
2009-02-28 07:23:59 guest51_df988 dp
2009-02-28 07:24:07 [guest51_eS856 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:24:16 guest51_eMd96 i can see her
2009-02-28 07:24:20 guest51_df988 german i think
2009-02-28 07:24:29 guest51_dz898 she s amazing
2009-02-28 07:24:30 guest51_deX29 now lets hope from some dvda!
2009-02-28 07:24:30 guest51_eMd96 i see onlt 4 balls
2009-02-28 07:24:34 guest51_dyY98 UK dudes
2009-02-28 07:24:35 guest51_d2X21 shes in london
2009-02-28 07:24:43 guest51_d2X21 maybe
2009-02-28 07:24:48 [guest51_eTo99 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:24:51 guest51_eMd96 london right
2009-02-28 07:25:08 [guest51_dyY98 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:25:14 guest51_dfQ88 wish to be in that ass now
2009-02-28 07:25:16 guest51_dt92 what a filthy bitch she is!
2009-02-28 07:25:26 guest51_eMd96 i wont her face right the cam
2009-02-28 07:25:32 [guest51_eUU73 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:25:36 [guest51_eTo99 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:25:39 guest51_eS856 his cock looks a little red
2009-02-28 07:25:40 [guest51_eUl39 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:25:50 guest51_eMd96 doggy stile plis whit her face in the cam
2009-02-28 07:25:57 IGIVEITMYALL63 shes so good i dont even have to stroke to stay hard
2009-02-28 07:26:02 [guest51_dzz0 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:26:03 guest51_dfQ88 hope they put the video they makin on web too
2009-02-28 07:26:05 guest51_eUU73 nice
2009-02-28 07:26:28 [guest51_eVO8 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:26:32 guest51_eMd96 come on is dinner time
2009-02-28 07:26:38 guest51_df988 time to cum all over this girl
2009-02-28 07:26:41 guest51_eUU73 oh its a red condom.
2009-02-28 07:26:43 [guest51_eLf3 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:27:07 guest51_dzz0 love to see sabrina getting fucked with her face intothe camera
2009-02-28 07:27:09 [guest51_eV956 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:27:11 guest51_eUU73 that bitch loves to get fucked.
2009-02-28 07:27:16 [guest51_eVO8 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:27:27 [guest51_eUU73 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:27:28 guest51_eMd96 yep face to the camera PLS !!!
2009-02-28 07:27:28 [guest51_dea46 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:27:41 [guest51_d0Y0 has joined the chat from IP: - France]
2009-02-28 07:27:43 [guest51_eQC7 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:27:51 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:27:52 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:27:54 [guest51_eBE11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:27:54 [guest51_eBE11 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:28:06 IGIVEITMYALL63 its red riding hood
2009-02-28 07:28:06 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:28:08 guest51_dzz0 lloks like they are videoing it
2009-02-28 07:28:17 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:28:18 guest51_djG0 for the dvd :)
2009-02-28 07:28:21 guest51_eMd96 again
2009-02-28 07:28:25 [guest51_dhd83 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:28:25 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:28:26 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:28:32 guest51_dz898 yeah, red condom
2009-02-28 07:28:38 guest51_djG0 red condom is dumb
2009-02-28 07:28:42 [guest51_eE188 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:28:48 [guest51_dhd83 has joined the chat from IP: - Seychelles]
2009-02-28 07:28:50 guest51_eMd96 put the camera to her face
2009-02-28 07:28:52 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:28:52 [guest51_eXj14 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:28:58 guest51_d2X21 well its in sabrina s ass isnt it?
2009-02-28 07:28:59 [guest51_eQc29 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:29:00 [guest51_dhd83 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:29:03 [guest51_dfQ88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:29:07 [guest51_d0Y0 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:29:08 [guest51_dfQ88 has joined the chat from IP: - Spain]
2009-02-28 07:29:14 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:29:17 [guest51_dhd83 has joined the chat from IP: - Seychelles]
2009-02-28 07:29:25 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:29:26 asenna double stuffing s great
2009-02-28 07:29:29 [guest51_eYS74 has joined the chat from IP: - Japan]
2009-02-28 07:29:33 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:29:36 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:29:55 [guest51_eBE11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:29:55 [guest51_eBE11 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:29:57 guest51_eYS74 do u think guys are pro?
2009-02-28 07:30:03 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:30:08 guest51_eYS74 or just chosen after ads
2009-02-28 07:30:10 guest51_eS856 looks like he was having trouble getting it in her ass
2009-02-28 07:30:15 [guest51_dye65 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:30:18 [guest51_eXj14 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:30:23 guest51_d2X21 they are her fans who signed up
2009-02-28 07:30:36 guest51_eYS74 waw thats great
2009-02-28 07:30:41 [guest51_eBE11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:30:42 [guest51_eBE11 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:30:48 guest51_duu84 pro lol
2009-02-28 07:30:54 guest51_dqd40 well they hold up like pros, I d have dumped all over her
2009-02-28 07:30:57 [guest51_eV956 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:30:59 guest51_eEA88 much better position
2009-02-28 07:31:02 guest51_eYS74 i think carol cox accept ff member like this
2009-02-28 07:31:03 [guest51_eZy28 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:31:12 [guest51_eSX48 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:31:12 [guest51_eZ851 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:31:13 guest51_deX29 ah, shes so happy!
2009-02-28 07:31:16 [guest51_eBE11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:31:16 [guest51_eBE11 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:31:18 [guest51_eZ34 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:31:25 guest51_dzz0 carol cox - she sin america?
2009-02-28 07:31:27 [guest51_eMd96 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:31:32 guest51_d2X21 canada
2009-02-28 07:31:35 guest51_eYS74 canada
2009-02-28 07:31:47 guest51_deX29 jizz time?
2009-02-28 07:31:48 guest51_dzz0 sabrina - can u suck two cocks at once?
2009-02-28 07:31:48 [guest51_eZ34 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:32:07 guest51_eEA88 how long have they been going?
2009-02-28 07:32:10 guest51_df988 time to cum?
2009-02-28 07:32:11 [guest51_eBE11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:32:11 [guest51_eBE11 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:32:12 guest51_eBb96 looks like cum time
2009-02-28 07:32:31 guest51_eYS74 from here we cannot see cums:(
2009-02-28 07:32:32 asenna yeap time to shoot men
2009-02-28 07:32:33 guest51_df988 plzzzzzzzz get close to cam
2009-02-28 07:32:37 guest51_djG0 hope she takes the time to chat after her face if full of cum
2009-02-28 07:32:55 asenna the slut wants the cum
2009-02-28 07:33:05 guest51_dgU62 she has to get closer to the cam for the cumshots
2009-02-28 07:33:06 guest51_eYS74 waw she deepthroats
2009-02-28 07:33:13 [guest51_eBE11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:33:13 [guest51_dnx43 has joined the chat from IP: - Norway]
2009-02-28 07:33:14 [guest51_eBE11 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:33:19 guest51_dgU62 CLOSER TO THE CAM
2009-02-28 07:33:29 guest51_eYS74 we will see after the first cum
2009-02-28 07:33:41 guest51_deX29 4 Closer please Sabrina!
2009-02-28 07:33:47 guest51_eYS74 if they shoot closer it goes on like that
2009-02-28 07:34:01 [guest51_eco6 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:34:02 [guest51_eBE11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:34:02 [guest51_eBE11 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:34:16 [guest51_ecC20 has joined the chat from IP: - France]
2009-02-28 07:34:18 guest51_djG0 that girl got skills
2009-02-28 07:34:34 [guest51_eS856 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:34:41 guest51_dfQ88 cum cum cum
2009-02-28 07:34:42 guest51_eYS74 her mouth is like a pussy
2009-02-28 07:34:50 asenna fuck that skull boy
2009-02-28 07:34:50 [guest51_eco6 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:34:53 guest51_djG0 more like a ass
2009-02-28 07:34:53 [guest51_eco6 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:34:54 guest51_djG0 :)
2009-02-28 07:34:55 guest51_deX29 you know, i think shes done this ebfore!
2009-02-28 07:34:57 [guest51_eco6 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:35:02 guest51_dzz0 thought it was her first time?
2009-02-28 07:35:06 guest51_deX29 did he cum?
2009-02-28 07:35:11 guest51_deX29 closer!
2009-02-28 07:35:17 guest51_dzz0 loooks like a 21 gun salute time ;)
2009-02-28 07:35:26 guest51_dgU62 5 closer
2009-02-28 07:35:34 guest51_deX29 yeah, theres definitely a load on that face
2009-02-28 07:35:42 [guest51_eeI30 has joined the chat from IP: - Italy]
2009-02-28 07:35:42 [guest51_eBE11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:35:42 guest51_dgU62 8 closer!!!
2009-02-28 07:35:43 [guest51_eBE11 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:35:46 guest51_dz898 she really seems to genuinely enjoy it which makes her unique
2009-02-28 07:36:00 guest51_eeI30 wo
2009-02-28 07:36:04 guest51_eeI30 deep
2009-02-28 07:36:09 guest51_eBb96 cumfacials great
2009-02-28 07:36:16 [guest51_deA60 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:36:17 asenna deeper please
2009-02-28 07:36:17 guest51_deX29 plese move the cam closer!!!!
2009-02-28 07:36:20 [guest51_eBE11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:36:20 [guest51_eBE11 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:36:31 guest51_deX29 haha!
2009-02-28 07:36:33 guest51_dhH62 lol
2009-02-28 07:36:37 guest51_eEA88 thank you!
2009-02-28 07:36:40 guest51_eYS74 yes zooming
2009-02-28 07:36:41 guest51_d2D96 Thank you
2009-02-28 07:36:42 guest51_df988 yesssss
2009-02-28 07:36:42 guest51_eYS74 *)
2009-02-28 07:36:47 guest51_d3c47 nice
2009-02-28 07:36:51 guest51_deQ11 ya
2009-02-28 07:36:51 [guest51_eBE11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:36:51 [guest51_eBE11 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:36:52 [guest51_dht89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:36:54 guest51_dz898 great
2009-02-28 07:36:54 asenna she can take it with the balls too
2009-02-28 07:36:56 [guest51_eVO8 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:37:02 guest51_eBb96 cummy chin
2009-02-28 07:37:13 guest51_eeI30 totally anal
2009-02-28 07:37:15 [guest51_eZ851 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:37:16 [guest51_eZ851 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:37:20 [guest51_deM15 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:37:23 [guest51_dfF33 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:37:26 [guest51_eBE11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:37:26 [guest51_eRQ48 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:37:30 guest51_ecC20 CREAMPIE
2009-02-28 07:37:33 guest51_eeI30 no focus damed
2009-02-28 07:37:47 guest51_dfQ88 anybody recording?
2009-02-28 07:37:47 guest51_dzz0 hey - it s free so stop complaining ;)
2009-02-28 07:37:49 guest51_eeI30 no, in the face, pls
2009-02-28 07:37:51 guest51_dem58 much better
2009-02-28 07:38:03 [guest51_eRQ48 has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 07:38:10 [guest51_egj65 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:38:12 guest51_df988 face shottt
2009-02-28 07:38:15 [guest51_egj88 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:38:21 guest51_eeI30 yes
2009-02-28 07:38:23 [guest51_eQ268 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:38:39 [guest51_dzz0 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:38:42 guest51_dsy68 im recording :)
2009-02-28 07:38:42 guest51_eBb96 luv it in face
2009-02-28 07:38:44 [guest51_dnx43 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:38:46 guest51_eeI30 the guy speek italian
2009-02-28 07:38:52 [guest51_dnx43 has joined the chat from IP: - Norway]
2009-02-28 07:38:57 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:39:02 guest51_d3c47 creampie? hope we can see it
2009-02-28 07:39:32 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:39:57 guest51_eYS74 i think no creampie since he is wearing condom
2009-02-28 07:40:10 [guest51_eVO8 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:40:21 asenna thre wont be any creampie, it s facial and bukkake time
2009-02-28 07:40:26 [guest51_ei394 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:40:36 [guest51_egj88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:41:11 guest51_eYS74 do u think a classic bukkake session will happen after all?like american bukkake style?
2009-02-28 07:41:20 [guest51_dem58 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:41:23 [guest51_duu84 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:41:25 guest51_eYS74 or gangbang like this?
2009-02-28 07:41:28 guest51_deN93 hope so
2009-02-28 07:41:30 guest51_egj65 Lets see those tits covered in spunk!
2009-02-28 07:41:33 guest51_df988 needs to lose that condom
2009-02-28 07:41:38 [guest51_eJn36 has joined the chat from IP: - Israel]
2009-02-28 07:41:41 [guest51_ei394 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:41:48 [HEAVYCUMMER left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:41:54 [guest51_egj65 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:41:55 guest51_eBb96 needs facial
2009-02-28 07:42:06 guest51_eYS74 i wish she kneels and starts receiving bukkake
2009-02-28 07:42:11 guest51_eeI30 yes the speek in italian
2009-02-28 07:42:33 guest51_eEA88 no facial in over an hour?
2009-02-28 07:42:36 guest51_eeI30 mettetela a pecorina e inquadratela in faccia
2009-02-28 07:42:40 [guest51_d6R84 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:42:46 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:42:48 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:42:50 [guest51_elF89 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:42:51 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:42:55 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:42:56 [guest51_eC647 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:42:57 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:43:05 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:43:16 guest51_eeI30 dai paesani!
2009-02-28 07:43:19 guest51_eBb96 ballshots
2009-02-28 07:43:36 [HEAVYCUMMER has joined the chat from IP: - Denmark]
2009-02-28 07:43:40 [guest51_emB48 has joined the chat from IP: - Finland]
2009-02-28 07:43:40 [guest51_eVO8 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:43:41 guest51_elF89 love those socks
2009-02-28 07:43:42 IGIVEITMYALL63 doggy doggy
2009-02-28 07:43:42 asenna fuck the meat guys, carry on she s not sore yet
2009-02-28 07:43:54 guest51_eeI30 grazie ragazzi!
2009-02-28 07:44:00 [guest51_emN19 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:44:11 guest51_eBb96 nice
2009-02-28 07:44:20 guest51_eeI30 vai mo, tutto gi in gola!
2009-02-28 07:44:31 guest51_djG0 she should stop and get a strapon on, and then fuck the guys and make them shoot their own loads on their own faces
2009-02-28 07:44:39 guest51_eeI30 dai che c la fa!
2009-02-28 07:44:43 guest51_d2X21 what? no
2009-02-28 07:44:44 guest51_eBb96 hehe
2009-02-28 07:44:45 [guest51_dt92 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:45:00 [guest51_eYS74 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:45:05 guest51_deX88 i thought i could see more cum before i have to leave ...
2009-02-28 07:45:08 guest51_elF89 they shouldget a glass and fill it shes thirsty
2009-02-28 07:45:27 asenna she s getting ready
2009-02-28 07:45:29 guest51_df988 facial time
2009-02-28 07:45:32 guest51_eeI30 i speek in italian i hope the guys ear me
2009-02-28 07:45:33 guest51_djG0 a glass would be an excellent idea; never gets old
2009-02-28 07:45:33 guest51_eEA88 come on
2009-02-28 07:45:46 [guest51_eZ851 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:45:46 [guest51_eZ851 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:45:47 [guest51_eVO8 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:45:48 guest51_eeI30 ragazzi beati voi!
2009-02-28 07:46:02 guest51_dfQ88 great angle :)
2009-02-28 07:46:07 guest51_djG0 the webcam guy is wanking too hard )
2009-02-28 07:46:17 guest51_eeI30 avvicina la web cam ti prego!
2009-02-28 07:46:19 guest51_df988 closerrrrrrr
2009-02-28 07:46:29 [guest51_eoq59 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:46:30 guest51_eBb96 maybe hes suckin other guy
2009-02-28 07:46:31 guest51_eeI30 vai moooo
2009-02-28 07:46:34 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:46:36 guest51_deN93 CLOSER PLS
2009-02-28 07:46:39 asenna cover that doll with man juice
2009-02-28 07:46:39 guest51_eeI30 eccoli!
2009-02-28 07:46:44 guest51_eeI30 bella maiala
2009-02-28 07:46:52 [guest51_epD92 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:46:55 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:46:58 guest51_elF89 get the shot glass out
2009-02-28 07:47:04 [guest51_eZy28 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:47:09 [guest51_epS58 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:47:09 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:47:12 guest51_elF89 its thirsty work being a cum slut
2009-02-28 07:47:17 [guest51_epY32 has joined the chat from IP: - France]
2009-02-28 07:47:29 guest51_eBb96 sue is
2009-02-28 07:47:30 [guest51_eoq59 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:47:40 guest51_dqd40 sue who?
2009-02-28 07:47:41 [guest51_do053 has joined the chat from IP: - France]
2009-02-28 07:47:45 guest51_eeI30 italiani nel mondo
2009-02-28 07:47:46 guest51_eBb96 sure is
2009-02-28 07:47:57 [guest51_eEV43 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:47:58 IGIVEITMYALL63 she is suck a dirty cock sucker
2009-02-28 07:47:59 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:48:00 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:48:04 [guest51_eUR79 has joined the chat from IP: - Sweden]
2009-02-28 07:48:07 guest51_eBb96 yum
2009-02-28 07:48:15 guest51_eeI30 ok deep troath
2009-02-28 07:48:25 [guest51_eql12 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:48:28 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:48:29 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:48:32 guest51_epS58 terrorist in the bg
2009-02-28 07:48:40 guest51_eeI30 lol
2009-02-28 07:48:40 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:48:41 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:48:45 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:48:46 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:48:51 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:48:52 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:48:56 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:48:57 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:48:58 guest51_dgU62 i wonder what the neighbours are doing
2009-02-28 07:48:58 [guest51_eZy28 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:48:58 guest51_djG0 its no terrorist
2009-02-28 07:48:58 guest51_elF89 think he might be married, told his wife he was off to shops lol
2009-02-28 07:48:59 guest51_df988 about an hour in
2009-02-28 07:49:00 guest51_djG0 its swat
2009-02-28 07:49:00 guest51_djG0 :)
2009-02-28 07:49:05 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:49:06 guest51_eeI30 but she have a cum on her face?
2009-02-28 07:49:06 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:49:12 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:49:13 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:49:17 [guest51_eQc29 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:49:17 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:49:18 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:49:23 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:49:24 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:49:27 guest51_eeI30 ok
2009-02-28 07:49:34 [guest51_eql12 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:49:38 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:49:39 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:49:42 [guest51_deX29 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:49:42 [guest51_deX29 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:49:47 [guest51_eql89 has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 07:49:47 asenna bet they cum just before the show
2009-02-28 07:49:51 guest51_doZ94 blast a load on her to lick up
2009-02-28 07:49:52 [guest51_deX29 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:49:52 guest51_eBb96 balls look full
2009-02-28 07:49:52 guest51_eeI30 MITICO!
2009-02-28 07:49:58 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:49:59 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:50:02 [guest51_esK79 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:50:03 guest51_eeI30 perfect
2009-02-28 07:50:05 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:50:06 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:50:13 [guest51_deX29 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:50:18 guest51_eeI30 do it again
2009-02-28 07:50:22 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:50:23 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:50:24 guest51_deX29 how many peopel here have cum on that face for real?
2009-02-28 07:50:30 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:50:31 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:50:33 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:50:36 guest51_ecC20 ZOOM
2009-02-28 07:50:44 guest51_eeI30 dont moom
2009-02-28 07:50:51 guest51_elF89 gag her, shes loves it
2009-02-28 07:50:52 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:50:56 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:50:56 IGIVEITMYALL63 notice when she gets a tickle in her throat she gets right to starts sucking to clear her throat
2009-02-28 07:51:00 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:51:04 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:05 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:51:08 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:09 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:51:13 [guest51_esK79 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:14 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:14 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:51:20 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:20 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:21 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:51:21 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:51:25 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:26 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:26 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:51:27 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:51:27 guest51_deX29 love you sab!
2009-02-28 07:51:28 guest51_eeI30 che sguardo da porca
2009-02-28 07:51:30 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:31 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:51:33 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:33 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:34 guest51_elF89 anyone else here from the uk and facial forum?
2009-02-28 07:51:34 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:51:34 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:51:37 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:39 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:51:39 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:40 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:51:41 guest51_deX29 yup
2009-02-28 07:51:43 guest51_eql89 i m from FF
2009-02-28 07:51:44 [guest51_ett93 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:51:45 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:46 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:51:48 guest51_d3c47 FF
2009-02-28 07:51:52 guest51_epS58 ff
2009-02-28 07:51:53 guest51_elF89 nice one
2009-02-28 07:51:56 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:51:56 guest51_d2X21 why arent you UK guys at her house?
2009-02-28 07:51:57 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:51:57 guest51_dfQ88 ff
2009-02-28 07:51:59 guest51_deN93 ff nasilbiir
2009-02-28 07:52:03 [guest51_etw60 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:52:06 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:52:06 IGIVEITMYALL63 usa
2009-02-28 07:52:07 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:52:10 guest51_eeI30 I m italian
2009-02-28 07:52:13 guest51_elF89 ff hull uk here
2009-02-28 07:52:16 guest51_eql89 canada
2009-02-28 07:52:18 paul37uk because she not in uk ... she in itlay
2009-02-28 07:52:19 [guest51_eZy28 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:52:27 guest51_eL050 ff montreal canada
2009-02-28 07:52:27 guest51_ett93 ff scotland here
2009-02-28 07:52:29 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:52:30 asenna her husband are italian i guess they re friend of him
2009-02-28 07:52:30 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:52:31 guest51_eeI30 right
2009-02-28 07:52:34 guest51_df988 ff usa
2009-02-28 07:52:39 guest51_eeI30 the mans speeck in italian
2009-02-28 07:52:42 guest51_eoe89 ff usa here
2009-02-28 07:52:43 [guest51_etw60 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:52:56 guest51_d2Y65 what is ff
2009-02-28 07:52:58 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:52:59 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:53:06 guest51_eql89 anyone know how long this show will be?
2009-02-28 07:53:07 guest51_dgU62
2009-02-28 07:53:11 [guest51_eCb12 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:53:12 [guest51_eRQ48 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:53:13 guest51_dgU62
2009-02-28 07:53:14 guest51_d2Y65 thanks
2009-02-28 07:53:15 guest51_deQ11 till the men cum
2009-02-28 07:53:15 guest51_df988 said 2 hrs
2009-02-28 07:53:18 [guest51_evO38 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:53:19 asenna 2h
2009-02-28 07:53:21 [guest51_epD92 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:53:21 [guest51_evX74 has joined the chat from IP: - Japan]
2009-02-28 07:53:23 [guest51_dzz0 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 07:53:29 guest51_dgU62 does anyone know how many guys there is? 5?
2009-02-28 07:53:30 guest51_djG0 no man can fuck and dont cum for 2 hours )
2009-02-28 07:53:31 guest51_dzz0 she had any cum yet?
2009-02-28 07:53:32 guest51_eEA88 is there gonna be a proper bukkake?
2009-02-28 07:53:34 guest51_df988 half way there
2009-02-28 07:53:40 guest51_eeI30 tempo di venirle in faccia
2009-02-28 07:53:51 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:53:52 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:53:56 guest51_dzz0 5 guys mean 2 play and 3 don t so they can rotate
2009-02-28 07:54:02 guest51_eeI30 basta giocare, eravamo daccordo per i facial
2009-02-28 07:54:02 [guest51_evy81 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 07:54:07 [guest51_eUR79 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:54:07 [guest51_des51 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:54:08 [guest51_eUR79 has joined the chat from IP: - Sweden]
2009-02-28 07:54:10 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:54:11 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:54:22 guest51_eEA88 anyone know any websites that do high-def bukkake?
2009-02-28 07:54:29 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:54:30 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:54:33 asenna si basta giocare
2009-02-28 07:54:37 [guest51_dzz0 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:54:48 guest51_eeI30 vedo ceh sei d accordo
2009-02-28 07:54:51 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:54:52 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:54:58 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:54:59 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:55:01 guest51_eeI30 cmq lei se la spassa
2009-02-28 07:55:19 guest51_df988 here we go
2009-02-28 07:55:24 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:55:25 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:55:27 guest51_elF89 bath time
2009-02-28 07:55:27 asenna hope so
2009-02-28 07:55:29 guest51_eeI30 su facial forum si parlava di sborrate
2009-02-28 07:55:33 guest51_evX74 do u think facials cuming?
2009-02-28 07:55:33 guest51_eeI30 vai moooo
2009-02-28 07:55:34 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:55:35 guest51_eBb96 ohyesss
2009-02-28 07:55:35 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:55:40 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:55:41 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:55:44 guest51_eeI30 scusate la volgarit
2009-02-28 07:55:48 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:55:49 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:55:54 guest51_elF89 hope she chats to us wearing the jizz
2009-02-28 07:55:55 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:55:55 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:56:00 guest51_eeI30 perfetto ora di CENA
2009-02-28 07:56:07 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:56:08 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:56:13 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:56:14 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:56:14 [guest51_eCb12 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:56:18 guest51_eeI30 giusto infatti
2009-02-28 07:56:19 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:56:19 [guest51_eCb12 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:56:20 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:56:21 [guest51_eCb12 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:56:25 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:56:26 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:56:26 guest51_eeI30 vai mooooo
2009-02-28 07:56:29 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:56:30 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:56:35 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:56:36 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:56:40 [guest51_dn446 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:56:42 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:56:43 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:56:50 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:56:51 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:56:55 guest51_d3c47 closer
2009-02-28 07:56:58 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:56:59 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:57:01 asenna one down
2009-02-28 07:57:03 guest51_dfQ88 here we go
2009-02-28 07:57:03 guest51_dqd40 here we go
2009-02-28 07:57:05 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:57:06 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:57:11 guest51_eEA88 yes a bowl
2009-02-28 07:57:13 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:57:14 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:57:14 guest51_eeI30 lei si dovrebbe avvicinare
2009-02-28 07:57:15 guest51_elF89 the saucer is out, kitty wqants her milk
2009-02-28 07:57:21 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:57:22 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:57:27 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:57:28 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:57:30 guest51_eeI30 dai infaccia sui capelli
2009-02-28 07:57:54 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:57:55 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:58:00 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:58:01 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:58:06 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:58:07 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:58:12 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:58:13 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:58:14 asenna 2
2009-02-28 07:58:17 guest51_eeI30 che bellezza!
2009-02-28 07:58:23 [guest51_eVO8 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 07:58:26 guest51_eBb96 mmm yumyum
2009-02-28 07:58:28 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:58:29 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:58:31 guest51_dqd40 right in the cock sucker
2009-02-28 07:58:34 guest51_djG0 lucky girl
2009-02-28 07:58:47 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:58:48 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:58:49 guest51_eeI30 ok bene adesso
2009-02-28 07:58:49 guest51_deX29 looking hot sab!
2009-02-28 07:58:52 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:58:52 asenna who s next
2009-02-28 07:58:53 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:58:57 [guest51_eCb12 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:58:59 guest51_dqd40 way to go sab
2009-02-28 07:59:05 guest51_eoe89 beautiful sabina
2009-02-28 07:59:07 faceman1969p sticky girl!
2009-02-28 07:59:08 guest51_eEA88 lick it up
2009-02-28 07:59:08 guest51_d7R45 beautiful!
2009-02-28 07:59:09 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:59:10 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:59:10 guest51_epS58 ha
2009-02-28 07:59:11 guest51_dgU62 SWEET
2009-02-28 07:59:12 guest51_dz898 awesome Sabrina!
2009-02-28 07:59:13 asenna c mon next
2009-02-28 07:59:13 guest51_elF89 good girl
2009-02-28 07:59:15 guest51_elF89 bravo
2009-02-28 07:59:16 guest51_deX29 you need more!
2009-02-28 07:59:18 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:59:19 IGIVEITMYALL63 plastered
2009-02-28 07:59:19 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:59:25 guest51_deX88 you need so much more
2009-02-28 07:59:28 guest51_deX29 leave it on!
2009-02-28 07:59:32 guest51_dz898 Thank you!
2009-02-28 07:59:33 guest51_elF89 lap it up
2009-02-28 07:59:34 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:59:35 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:59:39 [guest51_epS58 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:59:40 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:59:41 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:59:43 guest51_evy81 into her nose !! :D
2009-02-28 07:59:52 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:59:52 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 07:59:55 asenna 3
2009-02-28 07:59:58 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 07:59:59 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:00:03 [guest51_doZ94 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:00:03 guest51_eeI30 bello
2009-02-28 08:00:04 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:00:05 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:00:05 guest51_eEA88 wow
2009-02-28 08:00:06 guest51_eBb96 eye
2009-02-28 08:00:08 IGIVEITMYALL63 in her eyes
2009-02-28 08:00:08 guest51_deX29 wow!
2009-02-28 08:00:10 guest51_eeI30 sull occhio
2009-02-28 08:00:12 guest51_dfQ88 a nice one
2009-02-28 08:00:12 [guest51_e2A0 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:00:13 guest51_eoe89 that s nice
2009-02-28 08:00:14 guest51_dqd40 oooooohhh
2009-02-28 08:00:15 IGIVEITMYALL63 nice load
2009-02-28 08:00:16 [guest51_eCb12 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 08:00:17 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:00:18 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:00:19 [guest51_eCb12 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:00:19 asenna 4
2009-02-28 08:00:21 [guest51_eCb12 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 08:00:25 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:00:26 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:00:28 guest51_df988 there went mine too
2009-02-28 08:00:28 guest51_e2A0 finally im back,been getting cut off
2009-02-28 08:00:32 guest51_deX29 looking amazing!
2009-02-28 08:00:37 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:00:37 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:00:38 guest51_deX29 should always have cum on your face!
2009-02-28 08:00:38 [guest51_emB48 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:00:43 guest51_e2A0 ooh yeah,cummy girl
2009-02-28 08:00:45 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:00:46 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:00:48 guest51_eeI30 la mandarei a spasso cos
2009-02-28 08:00:52 guest51_djG0 nice princess
2009-02-28 08:00:52 asenna next
2009-02-28 08:00:52 paul37uk wonerful sabrina
2009-02-28 08:00:53 guest51_eoe89 great smile
2009-02-28 08:00:54 guest51_dfQ88 more pls
2009-02-28 08:00:57 guest51_eeI30 tocca a m !
2009-02-28 08:00:58 guest51_evX74 3rd was thick
2009-02-28 08:00:59 guest51_dgU62 soooooo hot
2009-02-28 08:01:00 guest51_dqd40 how do you ladies like this
2009-02-28 08:01:04 guest51_dgU62 TALK DIRTY
2009-02-28 08:01:04 guest51_eBb96 more
2009-02-28 08:01:05 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:01:05 IGIVEITMYALL63 i have some cum here for u too
2009-02-28 08:01:06 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:01:08 guest51_e2A0 spence here babe,couldnt get on,my isp was down
2009-02-28 08:01:12 guest51_deX29 you ve made it very clear that i have to come to at least one of your london dates sab!
2009-02-28 08:01:14 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:01:14 [guest51_e2n75 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:01:15 [guest51_dnx43 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:01:15 guest51_dgU62 4TALK DIRTY
2009-02-28 08:01:15 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:01:25 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:01:26 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:01:31 guest51_eeI30 lecca il piatto!
2009-02-28 08:01:32 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:01:33 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:01:37 guest51_e2A0 dirty slut you
2009-02-28 08:01:40 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:01:40 guest51_df988 wow
2009-02-28 08:01:41 guest51_eEA88 yes!
2009-02-28 08:01:41 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:01:42 guest51_eBb96 feels so good huh
2009-02-28 08:01:44 guest51_e2n75 mmm you look soooo hot with that cum on you!
2009-02-28 08:01:44 guest51_deX29 jump up and down!
2009-02-28 08:01:45 guest51_evX74 COME CLOSER TO CAM PLS
2009-02-28 08:01:48 IGIVEITMYALL63 fuck you hard and have u squrit
2009-02-28 08:01:54 guest51_deX88 i like her talking now and her face looks pretty now, looking forward to more
2009-02-28 08:01:55 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:01:56 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:02:00 [guest51_eVO8 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:02:01 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:02:02 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:02:02 [guest51_eVO8 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 08:02:05 guest51_e2A0 unload on that slut
2009-02-28 08:02:09 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:02:10 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:02:10 guest51_dqd40 more cum
2009-02-28 08:02:16 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:02:17 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:02:21 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:02:22 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:02:26 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:02:27 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:02:27 asenna 5
2009-02-28 08:02:30 IGIVEITMYALL63 rub some cum on your tits
2009-02-28 08:02:32 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:02:32 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:02:33 guest51_dqd40 oooooooooooooohhh
2009-02-28 08:02:35 guest51_e2A0 spray that hair
2009-02-28 08:02:37 IGIVEITMYALL63 lick itup
2009-02-28 08:02:37 guest51_eeI30 che bellezza!
2009-02-28 08:02:38 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:02:38 guest51_evX74 PLEASE COME CLOSER
2009-02-28 08:02:39 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:02:41 faceman1969p that was a good load
2009-02-28 08:02:42 guest51_dz898 Bravo Sabrina!
2009-02-28 08:02:42 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:02:43 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:02:45 guest51_dfQ88 she s having a lots o fun
2009-02-28 08:02:48 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:02:49 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:02:54 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:02:54 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:02:55 guest51_deX29 i really love you sabrina!
2009-02-28 08:02:59 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:02:59 guest51_eEA88 can you rub some into your hair please
2009-02-28 08:03:00 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:03:01 [guest51_e4l8 has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 08:03:02 guest51_evy81 :)
2009-02-28 08:03:05 guest51_evX74 THANKS
2009-02-28 08:03:08 guest51_deX88 sooo pretty
2009-02-28 08:03:09 guest51_evy81 yup thx :D
2009-02-28 08:03:09 asenna your beautiful
2009-02-28 08:03:11 guest51_eoe89 excellent!
2009-02-28 08:03:12 guest51_eL050 wow!!!!
2009-02-28 08:03:12 faceman1969p hey cummy face!
2009-02-28 08:03:13 guest51_dfQ88 i think thats it
2009-02-28 08:03:14 guest51_df988 gorgeous
2009-02-28 08:03:15 guest51_eeI30 i capelli!
2009-02-28 08:03:16 guest51_e2A0 bad girl you
2009-02-28 08:03:19 guest51_dqd40 you are so hot
2009-02-28 08:03:20 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:03:20 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:03:23 guest51_e2n75 yeah sooo fucking hot love the bukkake !!!
2009-02-28 08:03:24 guest51_deX88 take more in your hair!
2009-02-28 08:03:26 guest51_eVO8 Fantastic Sabrina, thank you so much.
2009-02-28 08:03:26 guest51_d2X21 did you have fun?
2009-02-28 08:03:26 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:03:27 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:03:31 guest51_deX29 you gotta say "I love facial forum!" and "I love ormingstoke!"
2009-02-28 08:03:34 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:03:35 guest51_eeI30 lick the cum
2009-02-28 08:03:35 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:03:37 guest51_eEA88 such beautiful long hair
2009-02-28 08:03:40 IGIVEITMYALL63 you look so awesome
2009-02-28 08:03:44 [guest51_e5M10 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:03:44 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:03:45 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:03:50 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:03:51 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:03:52 guest51_djG0 i would kiss her now
2009-02-28 08:03:56 guest51_eBb96 more
2009-02-28 08:03:57 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:03:57 guest51_e2A0 plenty of pics of you sweety,all cummy
2009-02-28 08:03:58 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:03:58 guest51_dz898 Thank you so much for this!
2009-02-28 08:04:02 paul37uk hi .. great show .. hope you going to eat all that cum up
2009-02-28 08:04:02 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:04:03 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:04:03 guest51_evX74 CAN U TAKE ONE LOAD TO NOSE HOLE?
2009-02-28 08:04:04 guest51_eeI30 bella storia, bravi ragazzi
2009-02-28 08:04:08 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:04:09 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:04:10 guest51_dqd40 YEAH BABY
2009-02-28 08:04:10 guest51_e2A0 and we love you sabrina
2009-02-28 08:04:13 guest51_d2Y65 lick & drool please
2009-02-28 08:04:13 [guest51_e4O69 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:04:13 guest51_eUl39 Can you say hi to William?
2009-02-28 08:04:14 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:04:14 guest51_eUR79 more dirty talk, you slut!!!
2009-02-28 08:04:16 [guest51_dfa19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:04:18 guest51_eeI30 io gli e lo metterei ancora in gola
2009-02-28 08:04:23 [guest51_eQ268 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:04:25 asenna you re such a messy kinky girl
2009-02-28 08:04:33 guest51_e2A0 gobble that good baby
2009-02-28 08:04:38 [guest51_eql89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:04:38 guest51_evX74 CAN U TAKE ONE LOAD TO THE NOSE HOLE?
2009-02-28 08:04:40 [guest51_e4l8 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:04:47 [guest51_deC73 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:04:49 [guest51_dfp78 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:04:49 guest51_evy81 nose hole! good idea :D
2009-02-28 08:04:50 guest51_dgU62 can i unload on your face in toronto???4.
2009-02-28 08:04:51 guest51_eeI30 gli e lo farei tenere tutto in faccai
2009-02-28 08:04:54 asenna if i was there i would have given mine
2009-02-28 08:04:58 [guest51_e6W36 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:04:59 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:05:00 guest51_eBb96 yumyum luv that cum
2009-02-28 08:05:02 guest51_e2n75 yeah please in your noese
2009-02-28 08:05:02 guest51_e2A0 meeeeaaaawww
2009-02-28 08:05:09 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:05:09 guest51_eeI30 che porca!
2009-02-28 08:05:10 guest51_dqd40 swallow it all baby
2009-02-28 08:05:10 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:05:11 [guest51_do053 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:05:13 [guest51_do053 has joined the chat from IP: - France]
2009-02-28 08:05:14 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:05:16 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:05:18 [guest51_dzz0 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:05:20 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:05:21 guest51_evX74 CAN U TAKE ONE LOAD TO THE NOSE HOLE SABRINA PLSSSSS
2009-02-28 08:05:21 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:05:21 guest51_djG0 i want it
2009-02-28 08:05:21 guest51_e2A0 nice drbbler
2009-02-28 08:05:28 guest51_e2A0 dribbler
2009-02-28 08:05:30 guest51_dzz0 licking up lick a nice girl
2009-02-28 08:05:30 guest51_eEA88 oh yeah keep playing with it
2009-02-28 08:05:37 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:05:37 guest51_dfQ88 great job
2009-02-28 08:05:38 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:05:41 [guest51_ett93 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:05:41 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:05:43 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:05:48 paul37uk wonderful
2009-02-28 08:05:49 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:05:50 guest51_d2Y65 great show miss
2009-02-28 08:05:50 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:05:56 guest51_dzz0 can u string it out from your tits?
2009-02-28 08:05:56 guest51_deX29 nomore cum for you sabrina?
2009-02-28 08:05:59 guest51_eeI30 metiti tutte le dita in bocca!
2009-02-28 08:05:59 asenna is that your only meal 4 the day
2009-02-28 08:06:00 guest51_eBb96 luv to livk ur face sab
2009-02-28 08:06:03 guest51_diQ6 20/20 sabrina !
2009-02-28 08:06:04 guest51_dfQ88 thanx a million
2009-02-28 08:06:19 guest51_df988 applause!
2009-02-28 08:06:20 [guest51_dht42 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:06:21 guest51_dz898 Great show!
2009-02-28 08:06:28 guest51_deX29 you are a goddess!
2009-02-28 08:06:32 guest51_dzz0 lovely sabrina
2009-02-28 08:06:33 guest51_dqd40 THANK S SABS, good luck on your world tour
2009-02-28 08:06:36 [guest51_e8B8 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:06:41 guest51_e2A0 dark eye girl
2009-02-28 08:06:41 asenna you look sexier after than before the show
2009-02-28 08:06:43 guest51_eeI30 fingher in you troath pls
2009-02-28 08:06:46 guest51_eL050 thanks hun
2009-02-28 08:06:49 faceman1969p you need some cum proof makeup!
2009-02-28 08:06:50 guest51_deX29 see you in july!, and the next day, and in november!
2009-02-28 08:06:52 guest51_eVO8 You re the one that s awesome, Sabrina. :)
2009-02-28 08:06:56 guest51_elF89 no you are awesome
2009-02-28 08:06:57 [guest51_dfF33 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:06:57 guest51_d2Y65 what cities ru going 2 this year sab
2009-02-28 08:06:58 guest51_elF89 thank you
2009-02-28 08:06:59 guest51_d7R45 so are you Sabrina :-)
2009-02-28 08:07:01 IGIVEITMYALL63 your simply the best
2009-02-28 08:07:01 [guest51_eQ268 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:07:01 [guest51_ecC20 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:07:01 guest51_dz898 Yes, best of luck on your tour
2009-02-28 08:07:02 guest51_dgU62 CAN I SEE YOU IN TORONTO!!?
2009-02-28 08:07:07 guest51_d3c47 pleasure yourself
2009-02-28 08:07:07 asenna but my balls are still full
2009-02-28 08:07:07 guest51_e2n75 you were great any more bukkake cumshots?
2009-02-28 08:07:08 guest51_eUl39 can you say hi to Bill?
2009-02-28 08:07:10 guest51_e2A0 thansk sab,nice show for the forum,spenser
2009-02-28 08:07:11 guest51_d2X21 blow me a kiss
2009-02-28 08:07:11 guest51_deX88 dont clean up already
2009-02-28 08:07:11 guest51_eeI30 BELLA l ITALIA
2009-02-28 08:07:14 guest51_d2X21 please
2009-02-28 08:07:18 guest51_e8B8 hey sabrina!!
2009-02-28 08:07:22 guest51_dzz0 hope to esee u in London sabrina I(Phil)
2009-02-28 08:07:24 guest51_dqd40 coming to the usa?
2009-02-28 08:07:26 [guest51_e8634 has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 08:07:29 HEAVYCUMMER I will come see you at your Berlin tour
2009-02-28 08:07:32 guest51_dfQ88 Thank you for tyhe music...
2009-02-28 08:07:32 guest51_deX29 you like tribute pics?!
2009-02-28 08:07:34 guest51_eMt97 lick ure boobies babe
2009-02-28 08:07:35 guest51_e2A0 how about doing some washing up like that,lol
2009-02-28 08:07:45 guest51_eeI30 put your eand in yuore mouth
2009-02-28 08:07:49 [guest51_e5M10 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:07:49 guest51_evX74 ARENT U COMING TO TURKEY?
2009-02-28 08:07:51 asenna is it burning your beautiful eyes
2009-02-28 08:07:52 guest51_dzz0 i ve already appled (Phil)
2009-02-28 08:07:53 [faceman1969p left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:07:56 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:07:56 IGIVEITMYALL63 i am ready for a 2nd go around
2009-02-28 08:08:00 guest51_df988 say hi to gregg?
2009-02-28 08:08:00 guest51_dqd40 AND ITS A GREAET SHOW
2009-02-28 08:08:11 guest51_evX74 TOKYO again?
2009-02-28 08:08:13 guest51_e8634 Has the show already happened?
2009-02-28 08:08:13 guest51_dqd40 SAY HI TO ED
2009-02-28 08:08:15 paul37uk yes you are earning a little promotion after shoe like that lol
2009-02-28 08:08:16 guest51_dgU62 you must really love cum
2009-02-28 08:08:16 guest51_eMt97 wow
2009-02-28 08:08:20 guest51_e2A0 sucj thise tits for spence
2009-02-28 08:08:21 guest51_d2X21 are your holes sore?
2009-02-28 08:08:22 IGIVEITMYALL63
2009-02-28 08:08:24 guest51_dz898 Are you tired afterwards? (Gary)
2009-02-28 08:08:24 guest51_eBb96 umm im gonnacum in my face
2009-02-28 08:08:26 [guest51_df988 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:08:27 [guest51_evO38 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:08:27 [guest51_e4O69 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:08:28 guest51_deQ11 say hi to my balls
2009-02-28 08:08:28 guest51_dzz0 sabrina - do u like to spit on cocks when u suck on them?
2009-02-28 08:08:30 guest51_dgU62 can you come close to the cam?
2009-02-28 08:08:32 guest51_eeI30 oi
2009-02-28 08:08:36 guest51_dgU62 so we can see your face more?
2009-02-28 08:08:42 guest51_dfQ88 A surprice facial wuld be nice now
2009-02-28 08:08:43 guest51_d3c47 could youplease touch yourself for a minute
2009-02-28 08:08:47 guest51_eeI30 finger in mout
2009-02-28 08:08:50 guest51_evX74 WHICH OF THE LOADS U LIKED THE MOST?
2009-02-28 08:08:55 guest51_e8634 Did you already get spunked babe?
2009-02-28 08:09:00 guest51_eMt97 when u cuming 2 the uk
2009-02-28 08:09:00 guest51_dd763 it would have been awesome to see a closeup of her pussy
2009-02-28 08:09:03 guest51_deX29 you ready for another 5 guys now!?
2009-02-28 08:09:05 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:09:21 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:09:21 guest51_djG0 great opening
2009-02-28 08:09:21 asenna cum s drying on your pretty face
2009-02-28 08:09:22 [guest51_epY32 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:09:22 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:09:23 guest51_e2A0 you greedy girl
2009-02-28 08:09:24 guest51_d3c47 def, can we see your pussy
2009-02-28 08:09:26 [guest51_fAr81 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 08:09:27 [guest51_evO38 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:09:29 guest51_e8B8 can you give a shoutout to Rockford IL
2009-02-28 08:09:30 guest51_dhH62 lol
2009-02-28 08:09:30 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:09:31 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:09:33 HEAVYCUMMER Will you do cum drinking on your tour to Berlin?
2009-02-28 08:09:33 guest51_dqd40 how many times did you cum today
2009-02-28 08:09:42 guest51_dzz0 i love that - makes me very hard
2009-02-28 08:09:44 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:09:45 [guest51_fBO70 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:09:45 guest51_dgU62 what is the most guys youve had come on your face??
2009-02-28 08:09:45 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:09:46 [guest51_fBO70 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:09:47 guest51_evX74 DO U LIKE THE SMELL OF THE CUM?
2009-02-28 08:09:48 guest51_eeI30 you like italian
2009-02-28 08:09:55 guest51_eeI30 italian juice
2009-02-28 08:09:55 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:09:56 [guest51_fBO70 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:09:56 guest51_e2A0 sexy eyes
2009-02-28 08:09:56 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:09:58 guest51_dzz0 what about boob cam ;)
2009-02-28 08:10:04 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:10:05 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:10:06 guest51_deX88 how long before you clean your face usually?
2009-02-28 08:10:07 guest51_eBb96 cum in eye huh
2009-02-28 08:10:11 IGIVEITMYALL63 becareful i might poke your eye out
2009-02-28 08:10:11 guest51_elF89 any change you will be doing any drinking from a shot glass while on tour
2009-02-28 08:10:13 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:10:14 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 08:10:19 [guest51_eVO8 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:10:20 [guest51_eVO8 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 08:10:21 [guest51_elF89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:10:22 [guest51_fBc78 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:10:23 [guest51_elF89 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:10:30 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:10:31 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:10:31 [guest51_d3c47 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:10:32 [guest51_d3c47 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:10:39 [guest51_dqd40 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:10:41 guest51_fBc78 hi
2009-02-28 08:10:43 [guest51_eUl39 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:10:43 guest51_e2A0 thank you from the facial forum,great show sweety
2009-02-28 08:10:45 guest51_deX29 think sabrina needs some sort of title! Facial Forum Godess or something!
2009-02-28 08:10:47 guest51_dzz0 anyone else s sound gone?
2009-02-28 08:10:47 asenna yes her eyes are used to cum burning by now
2009-02-28 08:10:47 [guest51_fAr81 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:10:48 guest51_eeI30 ok , ciao
2009-02-28 08:10:50 [guest51_e2A0 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:10:50 [guest51_fCT66 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:10:52 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:10:52 [guest51_deX88 has joined the chat from IP: - Germany]
2009-02-28 08:10:56 IGIVEITMYALL63 no sound here
2009-02-28 08:10:57 [guest51_eUR79 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:10:58 guest51_eeI30 ;)
2009-02-28 08:10:59 [guest51_evX74 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:10:59 [guest51_eUR79 has joined the chat from IP: - Sweden]
2009-02-28 08:11:00 guest51_deX29 your mic gone sabrina?
2009-02-28 08:11:00 [guest51_evX74 has joined the chat from IP: - Japan]
2009-02-28 08:11:02 [guest51_do053 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:11:04 guest51_d3c47 no sound
2009-02-28 08:11:04 paul37uk has any one elses sound gone?
2009-02-28 08:11:07 guest51_dhH62 no sound
2009-02-28 08:11:09 asenna lost sound
2009-02-28 08:11:09 guest51_fBc78 show us ur ass
2009-02-28 08:11:10 [guest51_eVO8 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:11:11 guest51_eeI30 no sound
2009-02-28 08:11:13 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:11:14 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:11:15 guest51_elF89 lost sound
2009-02-28 08:11:15 guest51_e8634 Cum stinging the eyes, isnt it?
2009-02-28 08:11:16 guest51_eBb96 no sound
2009-02-28 08:11:19 guest51_eeI30 ok
2009-02-28 08:11:20 guest51_d3c47 fixed
2009-02-28 08:11:21 guest51_dzz0 ah sound back
2009-02-28 08:11:22 guest51_dzz0 :)
2009-02-28 08:11:22 guest51_dhH62 ok sound back
2009-02-28 08:11:23 guest51_dgU62 there fixed
2009-02-28 08:11:23 guest51_d2D96 yup
2009-02-28 08:11:23 paul37uk yep
2009-02-28 08:11:24 asenna yes
2009-02-28 08:11:24 guest51_deX88 yes
2009-02-28 08:11:24 guest51_fCT66 sounds back
2009-02-28 08:11:25 guest51_eeI30 yes
2009-02-28 08:11:26 guest51_elF89 yup
2009-02-28 08:11:26 guest51_deX29 yup
2009-02-28 08:11:26 guest51_dfD4 great ob sabrina
2009-02-28 08:11:27 IGIVEITMYALL63 theres that look
2009-02-28 08:11:28 guest51_e8B8 no Chicago on your tour?
2009-02-28 08:11:29 IGIVEITMYALL63 yes
2009-02-28 08:11:29 guest51_deQ11 i love you
2009-02-28 08:11:30 guest51_d3c47 your vagina
2009-02-28 08:11:33 guest51_elF89 loaud and clear
2009-02-28 08:11:34 guest51_djG0 sabrina; what do u think of guys who drink their own sperm
2009-02-28 08:11:35 guest51_dz898 In Victoria British Columbia. Loved it! Thanks
2009-02-28 08:11:35 guest51_d2X21 can you blow me a kiss?
2009-02-28 08:11:37 guest51_eZ851 do you eat food with cum?
2009-02-28 08:11:38 guest51_dgU62 we worship you
2009-02-28 08:11:39 guest51_dzz0 lol
2009-02-28 08:11:40 [guest51_dfQ88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:11:45 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:11:47 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:11:49 guest51_evX74 WILL THERE BE MORE CUMSHOTS SABRINA?
2009-02-28 08:11:49 guest51_d3c47 lets see you touch yourself
2009-02-28 08:11:51 [guest51_fBc78 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:11:55 guest51_eeI30 ciao bella1
2009-02-28 08:12:05 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:12:05 guest51_d2X21 aww thank you very much, you re such a sweety
2009-02-28 08:12:06 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:12:10 IGIVEITMYALL63 listening
2009-02-28 08:12:11 guest51_deX88 how long before you clean your face usually?
2009-02-28 08:12:12 guest51_dzz0 r u going to do dogging this time around?
2009-02-28 08:12:13 guest51_elF89 angel, will u will doing any drinking from a shot glass on tour please
2009-02-28 08:12:19 guest51_dzz0 where s here?
2009-02-28 08:12:21 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:12:22 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:12:23 guest51_e8634 Put some cum back in your eye girl!
2009-02-28 08:12:24 guest51_dgU62 what is the most loads youve taken on your face??
2009-02-28 08:12:28 guest51_d3c47 if you start to masturbate right now i swear i will join your website
2009-02-28 08:12:31 paul37uk join her site and get great web shows
2009-02-28 08:12:35 guest51_eMt97 are u gonna get fucked again
2009-02-28 08:12:35 [guest51_fCT66 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:12:43 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:12:44 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:12:46 [guest51_e6W36 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:12:59 [guest51_eeI30 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:13:00 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:13:01 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:13:06 HEAVYCUMMER Hi, will you do cum drinking on your Berlin tour?
2009-02-28 08:13:14 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:13:16 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:13:20 [guest51_dfD4 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:13:26 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:13:26 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:13:28 paul37uk they are just wondershows ... you should see her squirt on cam
2009-02-28 08:13:32 guest51_eBb96 u like cum face or mouth better?
2009-02-28 08:13:37 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:13:38 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:13:52 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:13:53 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:14:01 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:14:02 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:14:03 guest51_dzz0 do u need co-stars and where is here?
2009-02-28 08:14:04 [guest51_emN19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:14:06 guest51_deX29 most beautiful woman on the web!
2009-02-28 08:14:06 guest51_evX74 have u ever received facial from peter north?
2009-02-28 08:14:10 guest51_elF89 angel, do u own a school unifor and a nylon body stocking?
2009-02-28 08:14:12 [guest51_fFB70 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:14:13 guest51_djG0 how do private shows work and what do they cost?
2009-02-28 08:14:14 IGIVEITMYALL63 i highly recommeded anyone to sign up , shes absoluty worth it
2009-02-28 08:14:21 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:14:22 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:14:24 guest51_dzz0 ok - not even a country?
2009-02-28 08:14:27 [guest51_fBO70 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:14:29 [guest51_eZ851 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:14:29 [guest51_eZ851 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 08:14:30 guest51_e8B8 hey my wife likes facials (Missy) you ve probably seen our pics and stuff
2009-02-28 08:14:31 [guest51_evy81 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:14:36 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:14:37 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:14:43 [guest51_eQc29 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:14:44 guest51_dgU62 MOST LOADS AT ONE TIME??
2009-02-28 08:14:49 guest51_e8B8 she said she would like to be a fluffer for you
2009-02-28 08:14:51 [guest51_dd763 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:14:51 guest51_d3c47 i think we all need to see your pussy
2009-02-28 08:14:52 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:14:53 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:14:56 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:14:58 guest51_d2X21 she doesnt count loads, stop asking
2009-02-28 08:15:04 guest51_eBb96 id be fluffer for her
2009-02-28 08:15:08 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:15:09 guest51_e8634 PUT CUM BACK IN YOUR EYE!
2009-02-28 08:15:15 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:15:16 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:15:18 [guest51_fGi32 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:15:18 [guest51_djG0 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:15:26 asenna i m back after a whole year of travelling and you re still the best
2009-02-28 08:15:28 [guest51_fGw42 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:15:31 HEAVYCUMMER Thanks for a great show, I am happy to be a member, your site is the best!
2009-02-28 08:15:39 guest51_dzz0
2009-02-28 08:15:55 [guest51_eCb12 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:15:58 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:15:59 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:16:01 [guest51_fHE38 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 08:16:05 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:16:06 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:16:08 guest51_fGw42 nice show sabrina,love those boobs baby
2009-02-28 08:16:09 guest51_d3c47 WE need to see your pussy
2009-02-28 08:16:10 [guest51_fGF55 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:16:11 asenna remember your panties
2009-02-28 08:16:16 guest51_dzz0 Phil here - we meant for some London fun a while ago :)
2009-02-28 08:16:16 guest51_elF89 dont worry, love no one expects you to remember
2009-02-28 08:16:17 guest51_deX29 you think you ll ever do this again for ff? we all love you!
2009-02-28 08:16:18 guest51_eBb96 wish u could see my cummy face sab
2009-02-28 08:16:21 guest51_fGF55 hi sabrina richard 24 in the uk here
2009-02-28 08:16:35 guest51_fGF55 great to see a real bukakke babe
2009-02-28 08:16:41 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:16:42 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:16:45 [guest51_evX74 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:16:50 guest51_d3c47 NO SOUND
2009-02-28 08:16:51 guest51_deX29 sound gone again!
2009-02-28 08:16:53 IGIVEITMYALL63 you can forget my name i remember yours
2009-02-28 08:17:01 guest51_dhH62 theres like 2 in cali
2009-02-28 08:17:02 guest51_fGF55 u are so hot babe
2009-02-28 08:17:03 asenna i still have your panties sweety
2009-02-28 08:17:05 guest51_dhH62 i should go to them haha
2009-02-28 08:17:13 guest51_d2X21 how many times did you cum today?
2009-02-28 08:17:15 guest51_d3c47 fix
2009-02-28 08:17:16 guest51_fGF55 im richard 24
2009-02-28 08:17:19 guest51_fGF55 in the uk
2009-02-28 08:17:22 guest51_fGF55 hot
2009-02-28 08:17:23 guest51_dzz0 ok - i m off sabrina : will see if I can sign up to your site and perhaps star with something online sometime when u r in London :) Phil x
2009-02-28 08:17:23 guest51_dgU62 HAHAHAHA
2009-02-28 08:17:29 guest51_elF89 its good for the skin
2009-02-28 08:17:29 guest51_fGF55 taste good
2009-02-28 08:17:31 HEAVYCUMMER I will come to Berlin to your party, I will look forward to it
2009-02-28 08:17:33 guest51_d3c47 pussy please
2009-02-28 08:17:33 guest51_e8B8 are you still going to make any fansigns (uncut1974)
2009-02-28 08:17:34 guest51_elF89 vitamin a
2009-02-28 08:17:41 guest51_deX29 its cos we love you!
2009-02-28 08:17:42 [guest51_fGi32 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:17:43 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:17:44 guest51_dzz0 night night sweetie
2009-02-28 08:17:44 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:17:48 guest51_fGw42 bye hot boobs
2009-02-28 08:17:49 guest51_deN93 hey im nasilbir sab
2009-02-28 08:17:51 guest51_fGF55 the ultimate bukkake queen
2009-02-28 08:17:53 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:17:54 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:17:55 guest51_eBb96 u like seein others get facials?
2009-02-28 08:18:03 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:18:03 guest51_d3c47 pussy
2009-02-28 08:18:03 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:18:04 guest51_fGF55 sabrina
2009-02-28 08:18:09 guest51_deX88 have a good evening with your cummy eyebrow^^
2009-02-28 08:18:10 guest51_dhH62 me ahha :p
2009-02-28 08:18:12 guest51_fGF55 ive been edging nearly 4 hours
2009-02-28 08:18:13 guest51_dzz0 THank you - look forward to seeing my sign soon :)
2009-02-28 08:18:17 guest51_dz898 Thanks again!
2009-02-28 08:18:18 guest51_fGF55 my cocks slick with precum
2009-02-28 08:18:23 guest51_dzz0
2009-02-28 08:18:24 guest51_eQc29 Thanks for the fansign...valenuk1
2009-02-28 08:18:30 guest51_elF89 let the girl get a shower guys ... jesus
2009-02-28 08:18:31 IGIVEITMYALL63 love ya
2009-02-28 08:18:32 paul37uk night thanks for great show
2009-02-28 08:18:37 guest51_deX29 goodnight sab! leave the cum on!
2009-02-28 08:18:38 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:18:39 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:18:40 asenna thanks beauty
2009-02-28 08:18:40 guest51_dzz0
2009-02-28 08:18:42 guest51_fGF55 im a facial forum member
2009-02-28 08:18:43 guest51_dzz0 night night
2009-02-28 08:18:44 guest51_d2X21 when will the video of this be out?
2009-02-28 08:18:44 guest51_dzz0 -x-
2009-02-28 08:18:45 guest51_fGw42 bye sweety
2009-02-28 08:18:49 guest51_fGF55 please stay babe
2009-02-28 08:18:50 [guest51_fGw42 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:18:50 [guest51_dzz0 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:18:51 [guest51_d2Y65 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:18:53 [paul37uk left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:18:53 [asenna left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:18:53 guest51_dhH62 aww
2009-02-28 08:18:53 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:18:54 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:18:56 [guest51_eQc29 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:18:58 [HEAVYCUMMER left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:18:59 [guest51_diQ6 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:00 [guest51_deX88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:00 guest51_d2D96 wow
2009-02-28 08:19:02 [guest51_deX29 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:03 [IGIVEITMYALL63 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:03 [guest51_eZ851 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:03 guest51_dgU62 9/11 was an inside job
2009-02-28 08:19:04 [guest51_eZ851 has joined the chat from IP: - Netherlands]
2009-02-28 08:19:08 [guest51_elF89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:11 guest51_d2X21 LIES
2009-02-28 08:19:11 [guest51_dhH62 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:18 [guest51_eL050 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:19 [guest51_d2D96 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:22 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:23 [guest51_eoe89 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:19:24 [guest51_dgU62 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:24 [guest51_eUR79 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:26 [guest51_eoe89 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:29 [guest51_e8B8 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:30 guest51_fGF55 is sabrina coming back?
2009-02-28 08:19:31 [guest51_eNP19 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:36 [guest51_eNP19 has joined the chat from IP: - United Kingdom]
2009-02-28 08:19:39 guest51_eBb96 said she was
2009-02-28 08:19:45 [guest51_eMt97 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:19:48 [guest51_dw972 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:20:00 [guest51_eDx34 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:20:04 guest51_d2X21 nope, everyone disperse
2009-02-28 08:20:06 [guest51_fFB70 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:20:07 guest51_fGF55 how long
2009-02-28 08:20:19 [guest51_eEA88 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:20:43 [guest51_dz898 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:20:58 [davedangler left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:20:59 [davedangler has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 08:21:06 [guest51_fHE38 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:21:07 [davedangler left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:21:09 [davedangler has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 08:21:13 [davedangler left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:21:14 [davedangler has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 08:21:16 [davedangler left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:21:17 [davedangler has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 08:21:17 [guest51_d7R45 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:21:18 [davedangler left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:21:19 [davedangler has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 08:21:20 [davedangler left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:21:24 [davedangler has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 08:21:32 [guest51_eBb96 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:21:33 [guest51_fMp56 has joined the chat from IP: - United States of America]
2009-02-28 08:21:44 [guest51_d3c47 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:21:56 [davedangler left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:21:57 [davedangler has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 08:21:58 [davedangler left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:21:58 guest51_dhd83 derersrer
2009-02-28 08:21:59 [davedangler has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 08:22:00 [davedangler left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:22:02 [davedangler has joined the chat from IP: - Canada]
2009-02-28 08:22:17 [guest51_fGF55 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:22:17 [guest51_dhd83 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:22:33 [guest51_diS80 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:22:35 [davedangler left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:22:44 [guest51_deN93 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:23:38 guest51_fMp56 wonder if she cummin back
2009-02-28 08:24:37 Sabrina_Deep shes not lol
2009-02-28 08:24:52 [guest51_dsy68 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:26:05 guest51_eZ851 not comming back?
2009-02-28 08:26:23 [guest51_e2n75 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:26:35 [guest51_e8634 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:28:10 guest51_fMp56 u here sabrina?
2009-02-28 08:28:43 [Sabrina_Deep left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:28:53 [guest51_eZ851 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:29:27 [guest51_fMp56 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:30:20 [guest51_deQ11 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:38:41 guest51_d2X21 TOO MANY DICKS ON THE DANCE FLOOR
2009-02-28 08:38:46 [guest51_d2X21 left the chat]
2009-02-28 08:42:31 [Jane_Co left the chat]