Contact Us

Contact Us

If you need to report a bug or if you are an events’ organizer and need to get in touch with us to inquiry about registration or event submission, please use the form below and we will do our best to get back to you withing 48 hours. If you are already a registered organizer, please, make sure you add your username or/and organizer name to your message’s body, in order to speed up our answer and the solution to your problem.

Note: if you are a regular user (Guest), please, don’t use this form to inquire about your applications to events. We do not handle the vents registration process and we will not answer you; repeated messages will be treated like spam and we reserve the right to terminate your account. If you have inquiries about any listed event, either you have submitted your application or not to them, you must contact the event organizer in the way specified in the event listing.


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