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World Bukkake Tour 2011
with, over and inside Sabrina Deep
Host Sabrina in your house and win $2000
Host a Party

Got space?

Categories: Bukkake Party

Suggest a partySuggest a new party in your city – Fill in the form below and i will contact you back.

In order for an application to become successful, keep in mind that a minimum number of 10 participants are required and that they must be provided and guaranteed by your side among your friends, acquaintants etc.

You also need to be able to make a location available: this can be your house, your castle, your mansion…as long as you have the right to arrange a party in there, it’s clean, it’s warm, it has two bathrooms with shower or bathtub and parking space facilities near it.

We will check all the above, so make sure about the above ;) On the comments, make sure to indicate the city, the area and how many people the location can handle, plus your telephone number.


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22 Comments to “Host a Party”

  1. lerele5 says:

    podrias organizar una en alicante-españa?????

  2. Greg Delbeau says:

    I saw Miami on the tour dates, but when I went to register Miami, Fl wasn’t listed. I host gang bangs here, so if you need any asstantce, let me know.


  3. Cesar says:

    come to caracas venezuela!

  4. lorolo2 says:

    Organizarias una en Tenerife – Islas Canarias – España?.

  5. marcuuc says:

    i want you only for me in spain, i dont want to share you haha… is it posible?

  6. carlos says:

    ey precioza podrias venir a chihuahua mexico

  7. Negro says:

    santiago (chile)

  8. yamijhon says:

    cum to chile!!
    valparaiso is my city, and i have a lot of friends waiting 4 ya…

    tons of cum just waiting 4 ya!!!!

  9. Lugab says:

    what about mexico? contact me

  10. ernesto hernandez says:

    estoy en los angeles, y me encantaria darte mi leche

  11. pablo says:

    te podria tener para mi solito en una escena amateur en vigo, no te quiero compartir, podria ser en la playita o en cualquier otro lugar, que te parece??

  12. Antonio says:

    Hola guapa te necesitamos urgentemente en LAS ISLAS CANARIAS…Los de TENERIFE te estamos esperando… Organizaremos algo especial para ti!!! Apuntate.

  13. N G says:

    buenos aires is waiting for you and your beautiful mouth and tongue… think about comming to argentina we’ ll recive you as you deserve!

  14. rabocop says:

    come to alicante – spain and have a funy day ;)

  15. Meztiso says:

    GUATEMALA – GUATEMALA!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. saludos soy mexico del estado de veracruz podrias acer una fiesta aka en veracruz

  17. jorge serrano says:

    hola saludos soy un admirador de tu trabajo y tu cuerpo me encanta tu color de piel me gustaria mucho poder estar en una de tus fiestas pero vivo en venezuela y estamos un poco lejos pero seria un sueño poder conocerte.

  18. mr.cook says:

    hahaha i’m from Valparaiso, Chile too x)

  19. axel says:


  20. Lugab says:

    podríamos ponernos todos deacuerdo para la Cuidad de Mexico, yo soy de Monterrey

  21. bicumslutjames says:

    I could host a Bukkake party in an exclusive CC home,Palm Beach Gardens,FL. You screen ‘em,and we kiss and suck them with their goo together! I will pay,let’s share 5-10 to suck off,and have another 20 spray us!

  22. sergey says:

    esperamos tu respuesta si puedes acer una fiesta bukkake en veracruz yeah..

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